I've been exploring various combinations in addition to
Iodine to improving healing/detox and I had what might be an interesting observation. I recently completed my third 3-4 day fast (dry and water fasting). In between I take 25-50mg of
Iodine in the form of iodoral a day and have been doing so about a month. I also paint a couple areas frequently with moles/skin tags. Typically the yellow coloring disappears within eight hours (my kids, by contrast, maintain the discoloring for 24hours or more). After completing the last fast I took an iodoral. A little later in the day I noticed I had that odd
Iodine metallic taste in my mouth and my nose was just a tad runny. I looked at the spot on my arm and saw it was still discolored - after 24+ hours since I last painted it. All indicators of iodine sufficiency, which I'd never before observed.
The thing is, just a week ago, prior to completing the last fast, I saw no evidence of even approaching iodine sufficiency. Granted, I never had a urine test for iodine, which would be more accurate, but the point is previously I didn't seem to even be close based on what evidence I had. It's like this last fast kicked things into gear, perhaps dumping more of the crap inhibiting the iodine previously.
Anyway, iodine is one of the few things I've taken that I saw so much improvement quickly, particularly with elimination/liver functioning. I thought I'd throw that out there and see if anyone had similar experiences or perhaps wanted to investigate further. There's a couple other things I've begun doing that may help as well.