I'm tired of the struggle today--today's one of those days, ya know?
I've been looking at this article. Anybody ever tried sanum products (isopathy)? Comments on this article/protocol? Anybody having good results with kandaplex or kolorex?
Thanks Neomi for responding; I appreciate the compassion you have for people - Your kindness makes the world a better place :-) I'm going to give the protocol i've got going more time and be better about my diet. Just some days I just get tired of the fight. Today's just one of those darned days.
I cannot get oregano oil here so i took a jar of fresh oregano and put olive oil with it and put it in a dark closet. Can you tell me if you think this is ok and how do you take the oil. I mean do you do oil pulling or do you drink it?
mo123--How come you can't get oregano oil there--comes in caps in a bottle. You can't order over the internet? I think you need to swallow it to be effective--get down to your intestines where it kills the candida.
It does get to be a major drag sometimes, doesn't it?
I know I'm gaining ground but it is taking so long and the detox is such a drag that sometimes I just feel like, F@ck it, give me a pizza.
Yep - Some days I want to fight like a Lion, other days I want to lay down like a Lamb. Thank you for commiserating with me, MissCast. It helps to get comfort from those who really know first-hand what you're dealing with.