Here's the text...
Someone suggested that the rather sudden onset of weakness in the elderly was due to depletion of the body's stores of selenium...a trace mineral.
My experience with minerals, trace or otherwise, has been limited to one spectacular event which took my breath away...
...Two footbaths in a one percent (1%) solution of Himalayan crystal salts (mineral salts left from an ancient dried-up ocean).
In other words, the minerals came from rocks over a vast area, were broken down and carried by micro-organisms, in water, over a long period of time...and became available to nourish growing things...through their SKINS!
Why through skins? Because that's how water balances substances, within and without, by osmosis...removing entirely our need to 'calculate' what is needed or excessive.
The water and substances inside our cells is perfect, otherwise we would not be living.
The water and substances around our cells may vary within limits, and the body is constantly trying to 'balance' these substances through the tissues of our elimination organs...the greatest of which is our SKIN. (Lungs, kidneys, and bowels are the others, I believe, regulated by the liver. Our organs also have skins, as do our cells.)
AND, through sacrificing cells, dumping the perfect water within them, to dilute the lymph fluid around the cells, when it has become too toxic.
We have trillions of cells, so we may not miss some...but it stands to reason that there is a limit to how many we can lose, over decades.
I got this basic understanding from this post by Daisy4...
From there I reason that the most important factors in our nutrition are, of course, water, and the soil micro-organisms that release minerals from the rock/sand in the growing soil and carry these all-important substances to the skins of plants...over long periods of time.
Plow the soil, and soil micro-organisms die. Spread foreign substances on the soil and soil micro-organisms die. We have then shot ourselves in the foot.
So, if ancient oceans leave deposits of perfectly balanced minerals, and if water and osmosis allows our skins to balance all the minerals, plus to dilute all toxins, what might a bath or footbath 'do' to us?
I had two boxes of Himalyan crystal salts (minerals) in my cupboard for a long, long time. I was afraid to use it because I had no assurance of its quality or origin. I also hadn't read much of the theory, above.
Then, someone suggested I use it in a footbath, for 'grounding'. I thought that a footbath couldn't hurt...so I did, twice...on two consecutive evenings.
The following morning, coming down stairs, I noticed that all anxiety had vanished!
I was stunned.
I hadn't realized that I had much anxiety, though I had actually been in fear of my death. (Stress is sneaky, and not always recognizable.)
Also, the edema on the tops of my feet had reduced dramatically.
Circulation of fluids within the body had treated my whole system through just my feet. I felt fine all over...though I imagine there is much more to accomplish.
I suggest that everyone try a footbath in ocean water, a one percent solution, as salty-tasting as tears, if their doctor would approve of an ocean swim for them.
My Himalayan salts (minerals) came from
This is the best I know, so far.
I hope there is something useful here for you, Gadgie.
Good wishes,
P.S. The symbol [***] in the title of this post is there simply for my own ease in finding it, later on, in the list of my posts. This post is the best I have written on the subject...to date. I may need to read it again.
Also, there are many, many other functions of the body that contribute to well-being...such as the elimination of toxins by mouth. Read the Oil-Pulling forum here on CureZone for some fine procedures.
All over CureZone you will find hints for well-being that may 'resonate' with you. They are gems.
I suspect, too, that even our water intake must be balanced.
Myself, I've found that monitoring my water intake may be the most important part of 'balanced' nutrition, and urinary comfort.
I went from drinking almost no water, or not noticing any particular need, just doing it, long ago, to 'force feeding' myself water, in more recent years.
If I need mineral balancing, say, through a bath, AND I am taking in 'too much' water, however much my optimum might be, aren't I a walking disaster zone...bound for 'trouble'?
Adjusting my water intake, slightly, with a careful eye for any shortages, seems to help with urgency. I am far more comfortable, and even stronger, more 'normal'.
For a while, I hardly noticed that I got up once a night...though my total sleep period isn't particularly long each night. I did feel much more rested during these days/nights.
Back to small experiments!
My best, everyone.