Vacuum, infinity, particles... etc.
" The problem of the exact descr*iption of vacuum, in my opinion,
is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t correctly
describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct descr*iption
of something more complex? "
/ Paul Dirac ./
"Now we know that the vacuum can have all sorts of wonderful effects
over an enormous range of scales, from the microscopic to the cosmic,"
said Peter Milonni
from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
The Third Law of Thermodynamics says that we cannot
reach the Absolute temperature of Vacuum T=0K.
This temperature is a border for us.
Classic physics says that all particles in T=0K will stop their
movement. But Quantum theory doesn't agree with this statement.
Dirac and other his colleagues said that in the sea of
vacuum " virtual, negative, imaginary (i^2=-1) " particles live.
So, the Third Law says that the border between infinity universe
and the " finite world" is marked by
Kelvin temperature T=0K.
In another words in the infinity universe T=0K another
objects with finite " inner borders " can exist. The question is:
How can the infinity universe interact with the " finite world" ?
What is a geometrical and physical parameters of particles
in Vacuum, in Nothing , in T=0K?
Can we know anything about this "soup of virtual particles" in vacuum?
The physicists think about the " virtual, negative, imaginary
(i^2=-1) " particles as about of a " point". They are mistaken.
Because, there are physical laws which forbid such opinion.
Because according to J. Charles law ( 1787), when the
temperature falls down on 1 degree the volume decreases
on 1/273. And when the temperature reaches -273 degrees
the volume disappears.
Because, as consequence from the Third Law
( W. Nernst-1906, M. Planck-1911, A.Einstein-1925)
when it is closer to zero T=0K the particles lose more
their volume, density, pressure. The volume of these
particles aspires to infinity. And when this “ infinity”
comes nobody knows what to do with the infinity.
But, according to the
" Law of conservation and transformation of energy"
the particles cannot disappear. So, they can only change
its geometrical form and its kinetic energy and become
“flat particles” with potential energy. These flat particles
must have geometrical form of a circle C/D=pi.
So, it is mistaken to think about elementary particle
as about a point.
And from another side we know that photon is a real particle
and can fly with constant speed c=1.
In this movement its form is a compressing circle.