MH 108
In the USA, everyone is feeling the energy crunch and loss of wages.
Today I picked up Maple Syrup. The price went up about 20% retail and I received no discount for buying 65 gallon.
The reason why, all the maple syrup guys are raising theor prices because it takes an enormous amount of fuel to boil 50 gallons down to 1 gallon.
I suggest in the very near future, all the small non commercial farmers will be out of work from the prices of energy and cost of daily living.
The life Americans have known is rapidly fading away. The rich will survive, while the poor will be driven to government food and housing.
Quality food a thing of the past as all the small farmers are put out of business.
People who look around are seeing their lifes change fast.
2008 is wild year in the USA complete with a crazy president election, etc..
Many Blessings to all,
Those with the ability, should stock up on concentrated foods and proper water distillers as well as all the things needed to protect what you have.