Hi Moreless,
This page may be set up wrong -- still trying to navigate CZ. Brain fog makes getting image copied difficult, etc. As I gather ammo for War on Acidosis, parasites, incredibly itchy scalp lesions and general feeling of impending doom, I am amazed how difficult it is to locate items like pH strips and calcium hydoxide. One would think a local PHARMAcy would carry litmus. Had to get it at health food outlet where most of dink list is available. I have found a source for pickling lime, but not easy - no one makes pickles these days ? A fifty pound bag from a far away feed store - type N ??? - was not too sure this is good, so found small amount to get started at one local grocery store. Will buy online in future - want to get started asap with these changes - HOPE I"M NOT TOO LATE - I'm REALLY SICK.
Began a liver enhancing product - Colon Clenz - while searched for rest of drink mix. Herbs in this mixture include Cascara Sagrada and Senna, and have produced an OPEN feeling in liver area ( I am very tuned in to body) and a toilet full of loose stool with LOTS of rice grain sized parasites, preceded by a stool with seeds, sticks, corn kernel looking things and a glob of whitish - Candida? Continuing GSE throughout supply and food search. Made small drink without lime last night, just a taste - FELT IT IMMEDIATELY - like someting actually made it to my cells for a change !!! I am eating, prior to this toilet productivity, raw foods like cucumber, romaine, spinach, onion, broccoli, tomato - dinner, and rolled oats - breakfast. First pH test prior to breakfast was too low to even register, it climbed thru two more later tests to 6.2 BEFORE raw foods and After dropped back to 5.8. Meanwhile, the scalp has been going wild today (it seems to be a barometer for internal stuff). just want o touch base in this initial phase. If you have any thoughts - I NEED your input !!! This is day ONE.
O.K. - I have removed from my arsenal - MSM, Colon Clenz ( diarrhea is not preferable to constipation ) and I put the Oregano oil away for a rainy day. And I find the kelp I purchased, in a liquid form - has some Sodium Benzoate that I perhaps do not want? You did say powdered, didn't you !!! Meanwhile, a refractometer is a distant wish - will have to try for just eating the best I can for now. But I am a gardener by nature, so looking forward to the growing season. Would appreciate soil tips, cannot purchase much equipment for that either, just yet. I grow tomatoes, pepers, zucchini, etc. every year. Will try sprouts and whatever suggested this year. Sad to know the full extent of OUR food situation - been only mildly aware - busy trying to enlighten folks re: cell phones/driving and recycling, and laying off the TREE slaughter !!!
My creator has given me free will - to run riot with or not, and unlike my controlling mother, has let me learn by my own mistakes that I cannot push the envelope. Creator has saved me from an alcoholic death (it is all about the SUGAR), given me a new way to see all, new ways to heed messages, but has not taken away the love of fresh baked bread ! I will consult a Candida cookbook for ideas to substitute, and I have been obtuse to the point the book has come to me not once, but twice !!! Two copies on my bookshelf !!! I find it has been easier to eat softer foods with TEETH BREAKING apart, unconsciously gravitated toward them, like stopping close, detailed work years ago when I didn't know I needed glasses.
I do believe we will be humbled, if we do not willingly humble ourselves - and parasites in and on my person has been of this variety of Spiritual experience. The so very positive outcome is that I now am learning about health in a way I would have had no reason to, prior to this hellish deal. As I do not believe in co-incidence - there is no happen-chance in each word I find in these transmissions - CREATOR is once again GREAT ! We all would do well to remember this, while ALL is going to hell without the hand-basket. I think I'll take that detox bath today, and then pickup some calcium hydroxide. Thank you, moreless - I pray the CREATOR gives you strength to continue your valuable mission. Still can't get the image thing right in the editor - must be so simple, I am missing it - like all of life is for most of us human humans.