hi managed to stay away from the pill for 4 years but my present boyfriend hates condoms. i feel that this is another area of my life where are am having to act like a freak because of my illness.not only to you have to go through the embarassment to cheaking in resturants that nothing contains sugar, alcohol etc. would really like to be on the pill any ideas? i have heard its the eastogeon in them that causes the yeast how about the progeseron only pills they ok??
I have no empathy for men who "hate condoms", it's childish and selfish. Tell him to grow up! If he cares about you, then he should want to do what is best for you, if not, then why would you want to have sex with him?
Gotta agree with 83584; they ALL hate condoms! But is a little inconvenience worth women putting their bodies at risk? Perhaps he might find premature withdrawal before ejaculation less offensive, but it has a minor risk.
Birth control pills contain SYNTHETIC hormones; same type that government studies proved cause cancer when given to menopausal women. I wouldn't touch them now.