Hello my friends!
How have you all been? I’ve been praying for all of you, and hoping your diets are coming along well! Tell me all your stories. I’m dying to hear them.
I'm sorry I haven't written before, but I was hospitalized on Tuesday 18MAR until yesterday, with a fever and a very serious and aggressive MRSA skin infection on my hip. At first we didn’t know what it was, or if the infection was contained only to the abscess, which measured about 7in/17cm in diameter in only 5 days. Thank God, after much testing and cultures, they determined that it was localized, and not in my blood or major organs.
I have been in isolation in the hospital these past 10 days, since this infection is highly contagious. MRSA is pretty much a staff infection of a particular strain that is resistant to penicillin and is very aggressive. Well, after 8 days of IVs of the strongest
Antibiotic in the market, which finally reduced the size of the abscess to about 4½ in/11cm in diameter, they surgically removed the whole abscess that was full of necrotic (deal cells) tissue. Now, I have a huge, deep, and painful hole on my hip that has to heal from the inside out. There will be a nurse coming to my house for who knows how long to dress my wound everyday, and monitor my medication. ISN’T THIS FUN!!! Well, it’s nice to be home after being locked up in isolation for 10 days!
I still am on pain medication, so I am still extremely weak and doped up. I am not able to coordinate my thoughts very well or to function at any normal pace.
Unfortunately, I still have to turn in my final term paper for my university class that’s due on April 4th. I should have been working on this paper for the past month, but since I’ve been sick, I haven’t been able to keep up with it. Therefore, I really need to do it now 24-7 until then, and I don't know if I can. In other words, I would probably only be able to talk to you on this forum maybe once a day. But after I turn in my paper, I’ll be better able to participate.
Please let me know how you’ve been.