Hi...for finance sake I was looking on Ebay for the Master Cleanse...they have a cleane called Neera? Is that a bad choice? I don't have a bunch of money, and really, "really" desire to do this cleanse. Thanks, Patti
Maple syrup, the good stuff is not that cheap, and you need quite a lot of it, just to prewarn you of that.
Well it isn't in the uk anyway. You use a lot of it in the States, don't you, if that is where your from, so it is probably cheap there.
You'll actually save money on the MC, even though the Master-Cleanse and lemons can get pricey, that's all you consume. The other three ingredients, laxative tea, cayenne pepper and Sea Salt , are not that expensive.
Well it does tell you how to do it. However i wasn't sure if it was the book or not. Does the book tell you anything different to what is in the link i posted?