Doing? I can't believe you asked that! You must be new.
I have been following the program Doc outlined in this Natural Healing Paradigm.
Started 6 months ago. Very sick. No answers out there from the MD's.
Came here and found ALL the answers. It works. Required dedication, patience and just sticking to it until I could see things starting to turn around with my health. I am not done yet, even now, but I just keep going doing the liver cleansings and doing positive changes to my diet by forgetting the junk food and adding the good nutritional foods. I had to add some of the organ meats and still do because my organs are rebuilding, then the good vegetables, grains and nuts along with lots of good fruit juices. Added the probiotics back in the beginning.
I have passed well over 6 quarts of the bugs, probably a good 1 1/2 quarts of the drug residue that was given to me by my MD for panic attacks that were caused by the ammonia and waste products from the bugs. I found out drugs don't cure anything. They kill. I know I am proof of that and it almost happened to me.
Done a lot of the Gerson therapy enemas to get rid of the toxins and keep the bile ducts open pre and post liver flushes. That really does work well.
Got that information from
and read a lot in the library section on that.
So now, maybe I will get my full health back if I just keep going. I know it is something I have to be diligent at and work on for the rest of my life. Old habits just don't cut it anymore. Changed my whole program on that. Will be glad to see the nice veggies again with the new season here.
Going outdoors and just enjoy nature and that kind of surroundings even more than I ever have before. Skiiwalking, hiking, kayaking, swimming and whatever the seasons offer for outdoor activities. Exercise, sunshine and fresh air are really important to me.
This program has given me hope and healing. I would say it will do that for anyone who really wants to work at it.
Hope this helps you.
Keeping away from the toxins is, too.