moaning mertle
Ive had the mirena for two years, it all started with, hot sweats 6 months after, then gradually I would go up to the doctors, for lots of weird symptoms had lots of blood tests, list goes on and on, I was up there all the time, recently all my symptoms got much worse and all my tests came back clear. I was tested for my thyroid, full blood count for the fatigue and dizzyness, appointment for my dry mouth, and also for my dry eyes all of which never troubled me before, all was for nothing and the doctor thought I was a moron. I had the coil out 3 weeks ago because my symptoms are so severe, I wake up every morning feeling like i havent slept at all, I have also become a light sleeper, which i wasnt before, my head feels like I am hung over or that I have been crying for hours even though I havent cried or drunk a thing, I can hardly get out of bed because i feel so dizzy tired and crappy and my sex life is non-exsistant because of the teribble fatigue. I was a happy go lucky person and now I feel like a zombie, my husband is always cross with me over the sex issue, although i do try to please him when i can, I just need to know that this is all down to the Mirena, I feel like i am going mad and that I am on my own, as everyone thinks I am depressed, the only thing that is making me down are these symptoms, I have a happy life I am not down about my life at all, its just feeling like crap every day that makes me tearfull, I am 33 and have a energy level of an 83 year old Has anyone had this Hungover feeling and extream tiredness, I look like a panda under my eyes at present, I thought that these symptoms would go after it was taken out they seem to of got worse how long will this last or is it not the mirena at all? I need to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and these symptoms are the mirena and they will go away, please help me I feel so bad at the moment. x