Hello. Two mornings ago I woke up to having severe pain in the base joints of both my thumbs, my right wrist, the base joint of my left big toe, as well as general muscle aching through out my entire body.
Yesterday was the worst day because the pain in the above mentioned joints was so extreme that percocet did not help it. Through out yesterday, my knees even began hurting, as well as more joints in my hands.
I am a 30 yr old woman with no major illnesses or other health problems.
I did have blood work done a year ago (for a gall bladder issue) and I noticed that my Epstein-Barr results were as follows:
EBV Ab VCA, IcG - 1517 H (the normal limits are 0-99)
EBV Nucluear Antigen Ab, IcG 677 H (normal limits 0-99)
So for both results 1517 and 677 seem very high. Could this have anything to do with what is going on? I have never had this before. I am very scared and not sure what to do. It almost hurts to walk because when I take a step, my left toe is so painful from the joint in it hurting so badly!