Yes, I think there is something with the Chemtrails and the sickness that everyone seems to come down with-Sars back a few years and then this year the lung congestion-I have not had a cold or sickness in 10 years and try to keep healthy on Iodine, Oregano Oil,
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is the new one for me. They took the Sars people out of Toronto and had them next door but we never came down with anything but complained about the transport of these doctors and nurses and they thought we knew nothing of them but they wanted it as "Classified Information". It is a crazy world we live in.We have a cottage 3 hrs north of Toronto and watch the trails criss crossing the sky both coming and going. Have a friend in the Air Force and he just says "There is something going on up there" but all military staff only know on a need to know basis.He says if we need to know then we will know about it.
These planes sure are not coming out of the airport making the trails.I think some of the trails seem to change the weather patterns also.