Hi Everyone:
I've been reading many of your posts for the last week to simply get me focussed and back in the
Master-Cleanse 'mindset.'
I completed my 1st
Master-Cleanse in early December (18 days) and was greatly impressed with how easily I was able to 'flow' thru it without any challenges that I know some people experience. If it wasnt for the holiday season I would have loved to have continued with it longer.
The thought of doing a complete 40day Cleanse really ignites me .... for the reason being, to be able to experience 'all' the stages that I've read about while Cleansing ... and for the Spiritual Enlightenment.... and of course for the overall health benefits.
With that said -- it is my intent as I begin day 1 today, that I am going to follow thru with it for is my commitment to myself and by voicing this to all of you I feel that more accountable to keeping my commitment!
I currently have no questions.... yet simply wanted to connect and let you know I'm joining you all on your Cleansing journeys and because I am a 'newbie' there are many questions/comments that I am not able to help with --- but for overall support and encouragement I can certainly do!
Have a great Cleansing day!