I was having one of those days yesterday. Just kinda anxious and irritable. Then my fiance came home from working growling about everything that goes on at that place and some silly dinner function he had to have with them (twice now during this cleanse I have missed out on a free expensive gourmet meal at a fine restaurant!!). It kinda drained me of whatever reserves of patience I had left. But, I talked to him about the fact that even though he's in a bad place with his job right now (hates it, but can't leave until after we get married and go on our honeymoon) he still needs to somehow manage to try and be happy over the next couple of months and that it's a choice. He saw the light and is finding a new perspective to keep a more positive attitude. We're big fans of the Secret and Law of Attraction btw, so he *knows* what I'm talking about.
Anyway, I digress... today is a bit more peaceful, being that it's day 8 and I know it's all downhill from here.
I am in an awkward position though (way off point). I miscalculated the days I was going to be breaking the fast. Day 10 is on Thursday. I would be breaking on Friday with OJ, then moving to Soup on Saturday ... but I thought my 3rd day of breaking was going to be Saturday ... and we sort of made plans on Sunday together that involves having a FREE day and starting body for life on Monday. So, now I don't know what I will do. Try and break the fast quicker over a two day period, OJ half the day then soup, then veggies on Saturday? Or should I stop at 9 days and break it over 3 days the proper way? Since this is my 5th cleanse I feel pretty strong to just break it over 2 days. I have been reading some history in the forum of people breaking the fast with actual food and having mixed results. Some are unphased by it and some seem to get very sick. What to do ... what to do ... That's my biggest dilema in the moment. :)