Thanks for all the advice....I did this last liver flush about two years ago, what I seen really did look like flesh, my bowel was so sore from the flush, I just thought that it was a bit of bowel or something. The thing is I didn't really know anything about fluke at the time, not that I know much now but this thing was floppy, it was as big and as wide as my thumb, I used a chop stick to lift it a bit and it flopped over the stick, it wasn’t rolled up and it didn’t look like tomato's mad to think that it could have been a fluke.
I first started to think about fluke last year when I was going to see an alternative health practitioner, she said that I tested positive for Liver fluke, I don't know how she did this and to be honest I stopped seeing her shortly after as I had been seeing her and she had done little for me and was very expensive.
My main problems are the endometriosis, allergies inability to lose wait and chronic fatigue. I am seeing a person now who treats the emotional aspects in the hope that this generates on to a physical plane. On an emotional level I have had a lot of success feeling quite good in myself, though the physical problems remain. However this lady has told me that she thinks that although I have the Endometriosis my real problem is related to my whole endocrine system being out of balance and this I really would be able to go with, it would explain a lot of the other stuff I have and me starting my periods so late and things.
In answer to what I have found helpful for the is the main one, though it only helps when I have been really strict and I find this hard to stick to. No caffeine, no alcohol, no wheat, no dairy, no sugar, no gluten and no processed foods. Endo is about excess estrogen and I had tried stuff like natural progesterone cream and Maca both which seemed to make things worse, though I am looking into trying the Maca again because I have been told that when you first start taking it, it starts to rebalance the endocrine system and it desensitizes your estrogen receptors which have became sensitised due to large amounts of estrogen. Estrogen problems can be related to the liver because this is where estrogen is filtered and removed and if the liver is not working properly there will be too much estrogen in the body, so I have worked hard with my liver on and off over the last few years.
At times I feel like giving up and having an hysterectomy, the only thing that really stops me is the though of what happened to me when I had my son and ended up with an emergency c-section and it was after this that I had the endo, though it could have been the pregnancy it's self that kicked it off.
Anyway sorry I have gone on....thanks for listening it thoughts Moonie