Would you drive your car with a spark pug wire unplugged just because your mechanic and the government told you it works better that way? Vaccine studies defy common sense but each year a new government sponsored study says that vaccines are safe.
If you add SIDS deaths to the deaths caused by vaccines, which are directly linked to the HTP Vaccine for infants, those numbers dwarf the amount of deaths from normal childhood diseases contracted by un-vaccinated children. Vaccines given to children at birth, and later until the series of HTP shots are completed, are filled with immune crippling toxins. Parents who wait until their children are at least 2 years of age to vaccinate are almost risk free of losing their children due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. In Japan, where they stopped the HTP vaccine before two years of age, SIDS deaths dropped to almost zero. In the United States, where newborn babies are injected with HTP vaccines, 2,523 SIDS deaths occur each year. This kind of tragedy is totally preventable however the drug companies, doctors, mainstream media and American politicians are deaf to the cries of the parents of children were put at risk by this potentially deadly vaccine. In pure ignorance, those same parents -may go on vaccinating their other children and future children, not knowing that the vaccine that was supposed to protect their children, killed their children. Almost all of deaths from SIDS are from children who are vaccinated. Knowing this fact, doctors still vaccinate millions of children each year. Knowing that changing the
vaccination schedule could save thousands of children each year, doctors and clinics are accomplices to SIDS deaths.
The multiple vaccine Measles/ Mumps/Rubella is often the triggering event(that means the toxic cocktail) that triggers Autism in many of the 1 in 80 children in the U.S. who, following the vaccine guidelines, are then diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Parents who wait until their child is 4-5 years old greatly decrease the odds of their child becoming Autistic. Most Amish children are not vaccinated and the only reported cases(just a very few) of Autism are from children who were vaccinated.
There is a way to prevent thousands of cases of Autism each year. Don't vaccinate young children whose immune systems are vulnerable to the dangerous toxins in vaccines. In third world countries where vaccines are not mandatory, Autism dis unheard of. As soon as these countries begin mandatory
vaccination programs, Autism is diagnose overnight.
Knowing the risks, doctors will risk more lives from common childhood diseases than were ever killed from the disease they say they are protecting children from. There may be a better method to protect children from childhood diseases or treat those diseases once they occur but doctors and clinics never ask those critical questions. The reality is much more onerous than one might expect. Doctors who inject awful toxins to little infants and children know that those children's immune systems will be damaged and will more likely be coming back for more treatments for health issues caused by the vaccines they or their peers gave to helpless infants and children.
If every mechanic of cars pulled a spark plug wire loose off of every car that came in their shops, soon, car owners with sputtering cars would quit taking their cars to those mechanics. The unplugged spark plugs would cause all kinds of other mechanical problems and likewise mechanics and car parts makers would become the wealthiest workers and businesses overnight. The main stream media could tell consumers that cars work great and lose no performance with government mandated plug pulling by mechanics but one car owner would soon plug their spark plug wire back in, realizing that the government and their mechanics were lying to them, they would never bring their car back to government sponsored mechanics again.
vaccinations damage infants and young children. Mandatory vaccines often kill infants and children. For other children, a lifetime of neurological problems begin when children are vaccinated before their immune systems can handle the dangerous toxins in vaccines. Vaccines are not safe for adults either but at a bare minimum, SIDS death and Autism can be easily avoided by delaying the
vaccination schedule until children are at least 4-5 years old. A better solution would be to make safer vaccines that don't cause SIDS deaths and Autism but doctors are silent or worse, encourage early vaccination or worse, accuse parents who even question the safety of
vaccinations of abuse.
Doctors and drug companies who treat infants, children and adults whose immune systems are wrecked become become wealthy while just a few parents have wised up to their deception. Many parents of Autistic children know that vaccines triggered a life-time of neurological problems are suing doctors and drug companies for for damaging the internal wiring of their children's brains. The truth is out there. SIDS deaths and Autism are just two health issues that vaccines are directly linked to. If you wouldn't drive around with a spark plug unplugged but still you would allow doctors to damage your child's immune system, then what kind of logic would you be using while making a decision about vaccinating?
- A parent whose child exhibited Autistic behavior immediately after multiple vaccinations.