MD - what I think you sadly fail to realize is that this race was decided a long time ago and I believe the Bilderberg decision was for Hillary to be annointed as the queen. In which case the inexperienced Obama may well be the veep in order to get the so-called experience (as if a VP actually does anything). He is part of the club now and perhaps a future puppet president in waiting.
If I am wrong, it is only because the non NWO candidates have all been eliminated and the powers that be have decided to have a bit of entertainment and let their puppets lend a bit of legitimacy to the charade and fight it out more or less legitimately - slinging mud and degrading one another merrily. The end result will be the same - one of THEIR candidates will once again be the figurehead president and do exactly as they are told.
I'm still thinking that the deal has been cut for Hillary though. It is the Dems turn to play president in the two party ping pong you see.