OK, keep in mind that the Democrats state that they care about blacks, gays, women, children more than Republicans. That, according to Pelosi, they can run a better railroad. Really?
Hillary starts out the clear annointed nominee early in the campaign, but low and behold, she starts to lose state after state after state after state. And it doesn't end! She looks behind her in the delegate count...AND SHE'S BEHIND! Hussein Obama, a candidate who's black and with ties (varying degrees) to Muslim faith in an era in which we're fighting radical Muslims, she's losing to the guy. How can this be?
The Party of Tolerance then tries to attack his credibility by having Bill slight him as a "Jesse Jackson" candidate, clearly outraging the black community because that's what the black community is the best at...being outraged. They cornered the market on shares of "outrage". I hear they're a great investment, never down, outrage always goes up in the black community so invest wisely. The first black president, Bill Clinton, using the race card? Yes, of course. That backfires and Hussein Obama continues to roll.
Rush gets on the radio and tells Texas and OHio Republicans to go out and vote for Hillary, in a genius attempt to keep Hillary in the race using precious resources and bitter battles amongst the two combatants all the way to Denver. Hillary pushes division instead of diversity and goes straight to the Mexican voters leaving the blacks far behind. Hussein Obama goes straight for the black vote. But this monkey wrench thrown into the gears, the "Rush to Vote" is in play. That's right, the Democrat party, the party of inclusion and everybody's vote counts (literally) has in it's rules that independents, Repubicans, whoever wants to vote in their Democratic primaries can walk in and do so. And it's not illegal!!! No, this isn't South America or some third world. What a country!!! IT WORKS! Hillary wins Texas and wins Ohio! If she loses, she's out forever...she wins!! She's back!!! But she's still behind.
Then, realizing that she's gonna lose if a rabbit isn't pulled out of the hat, HIllary, the candidate of the party that wishes EACH AND EVERY VOTE COUNTED (Al Gore) undermines her hand-signed agreement with Hussein Obama earlier that each wouldn't count Michigan and Florida in their delegate count. This agreement was made when Hillary was a shoo-in and Hussein Obama just wanted some attention as the VEEP...HOLD EVERYTHING!!!! Democrats not wanting votes counted??? They were ok with that, both candidates I might add, now...Hillary needs those votes to push her delegate count closer to her rival because her 35 years of experience isn't convincing the voters. Stupid Democrat voters, don't you realize she doesn't need on-the-job-training? Hypocrisy in action...again...I'm losing count.
Fast Forward to today...Democrat SuperDelegate Elliot Spitzer gets caught with his penis in the whorehouse candy jar, and thus, resigns today in embarassment. YEs, another Democrat embarassment for all to see. They just keep coming! His SuperDuper vote, according to those Democrat rules (and we all know how much Dems love those rules), his vote is now evaporated never to return. Hillary loses once again.
And while this circus is going on, Hillary's financial team director, Geraldine Ferraro, goes out in public saying that the only reason Hussein Obama is where he's at is because of his race and the nature of the country at this time...i.e. the politically correct nature of the country which her Democrat Party advocated!!! Hypocrisy the heighth of the Mayflower Hotel!!! The victim card, the race card, the mis-understood card, the you don't get it card is played on Good Mourning America for all to see.
Whew! I hope that clears it up so you're current on all the Democrat hypocrisy lately. One question for you folks still, after all this embarassment, all you still wanting to vote Democrat this November...you want these clowns running your health care system? You need your head examined...but in a Democratic health system...you'll have to wait a couple months for an appointment!