as soon as i fired all my allopaths years ago, i made an appointment with a naturepath. biggest disappointment in my life. i paid $200 in cash out of my pocket to be told to eat right and exercise, which i couldnt do. i could have also spent another $200 on my way out buying all the supplements and books they wanted me to get. one of those books was peter's bloodtype diet.
well, i never went back to that office but i did investigate all i could about the bloodtype diet. i must say that after all this time, i have discovered that we are all more similar genetically than different. there is much greater difference in how environment has caused our genes to be manifested than the influence of the genes themselves. i found the blood type diet to be a scam for the most part.
think about it. if 75% or more of all health is determined by diet alone, then it stands to reason that those in poor health who choose to change their diet are definitely going to experience changes in health. at least 50% of those people are going to experience positive changes. that is a success rate much greater than most drugs(about 20%) and even placebo effects(about 34%). i wish i had thought of that book. it can be sustained on the successes and go through most of the population over time without too much opposition, all the while retaining the appearance of relevance and validity. there may even be some validity to some of the things he says, but their importance in overall health pale in comparison to other factors.
i dont remember now what the particulars were but i very quickly found errors in the O-type diet(i can only assume this is true for the other blood types as well). in fact, there were things in the diet that made no sense at all. for example, i believe that no blood type has coconut oil recommended for it. this is not based upon some special blood type analysis d'amato did but on earlier studies about saturated fats which have since been disproven. the list goes on, but rather than "attack" this diet, i will simply make recommendations about what works.
eat less - eat less at one time, eat less times a day, eat as little as you are comfortable with. this can be worked into of course. the idea is to eat once a day and that amount of food should be about the size of your fist - one normal stomach full. that is plenty, especially if the food is nutrient dense. but even that is not as important as it seems because most of the nutrition in the food is going into processing the food. that means the more you eat, the more you need to eat. gluttony is truly a sin and a viscous cycle, a bottomless pit indeed. hint - chew your food to a pulp before swallowing. this will fill you up with less food and enable the body to get more out of the food you do eat. it also gives you less time to eat a "full meal" and you will leave some food behind. this will not effect the food supply in korea one iota.
eat raw - uncooked food is better for you than cooked. food you dont have to cook to eat is better for you than food you have to cook. shoot for a percentage and go from there. make it a worthy but achievable goal. many short term successes in a row will turn into long term cures, if they are the right changes in the first place made in the right direction. do things you can stick with for life, no matter how small. they, over time, enable bigger changes you didnt think you could make. success breeds success.
eat organic - as much as possible. it is worth it. if you can only afford so much, make it count. make it raw. make it things that are more critical, like apples and berries instead of things not quite so critical, like avocados and oranges.
cut out all wheat and dairy. if you have to have milk, make it raw local whole milk. put some lugols in it and never worry about bacteria. if you must have bread or pasta, use spelt. use it sparingly.
never mix carbs and concentrated proteins like meat or fish or eggs together. doing so creates an abundance of acid.
use only ancient sea salt. no pollution.
use only distilled water for all ingesting. again, no pollution.
eat plenty of plant fats - the good kind. i like olive, hemp seed and coconut oil. always go virgin cold pressed.
get daily sunshine. thats the best food you can eat.