Is it just me or are there a lot of people, from Bush Jr's cabinet on down the political ladder, that quit at the drop of a hat? Prestigious, once-in-a-lifetime jobs you've waited your whole career to snatch...then one verbal're outta here! Hillary had folks quit on her, Obama recently, Bush has had hoards of people quit including Tony Snow, Press Secretary. It never used to be this way, ladies and gentlemen.
And I've never, ever heard as many "I'm sorry"s for this and that as I've heard lately. I don't respect people who say, "I'm sorry". It doesn't work with the Mtnnn Mannn. Sorry indicates weakness. If you haven't noticed, I'm not a big fan of weakness. Apologies are the bedfellow of the weak and confused. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Stand up tall and be heard. John McCain is one who apologizes a lot in this life of his. He apologizes for other people. When did this become en vogue? Did Ronald Reagan ever apologize in open forum? I don't remember if he did. How about JFK? Any apologies there you older posters remember? No? Open "I'm sorry"s are the by-product of the politically correct era we live in today. They mean...nothing. Why do you think they are so easily delivered?