My husband wrote this letter to his doctor last Tuesday. We are waiting for a reply. Thought you all would be interested. After so much pain he is finally feeling better.
February 25, 2008
Letter to Robert . . . , M.D.
Dear Friend,
I write to you as a friend of 30 years and as my medical doctor for almost as long, to offer an apology for my thoughtless response to your kind inquiry on Feb 8, 2008, about my long ongoing complaints of persistent rectal itching. It was not my purpose to offend you with a blunt reply. As I will explain, I was in despair at the lack of relief, even now, from these oppressive complaints. Please know that I do not question your very competent and compassionate care of me over many years.
A detailed explanation is necessary. I had no relief from complaints of anal itching, crawling sensation, in the years following rectal surgery and hemorrhoid banding 11/2002 - 2/2006. I postulated to Dr. . . ., to several dermatologists, and to many other physicians I saw, complaining that I had fungus infection or parasite infestation. Each time I was told that I did not.
By early 2007, Nancy begun to explore internet sites about parasites. At first we were skeptical because many people were finding, and showing photos of, some pretty gross looking worms in their stools. In March 2007, we tried an 8 week herb treatment (Kroeger Wormwood Combination) which anecdotally was shown to kill off parasites in the colon and in the body generally. Many people said that they had astonishing results with the product.
Although Nancy had no symptoms or complaints, we both took the herbs, just as we had both taken the pin worm pills prescribed by you, because we were given to understand that parasites are quite contagious. Nancy got her prescription from her physician.
We also began a vigorously restricted diet recommended by the Kroeger plan. We eliminated red meat, all sugar, all wheat, most fruits, principally excepting Granny Smith apples which are said not to turn to sugar.
As we began taking the herbs daily, we were astonished to find ugly looking worms in our stools. Many samples were submitted to the hospital lab for testing. Each time the report came back negative. "No pin worms, no parasites".
All of the parasite programs we saw said that eliminating the worms was a lengthy and often discouraging project with varying degrees of success. They were saying there is a variety of parasites that can be well settled in the body and become difficult to eradicate. It was recommended that potent herbs be taken for 30 days then stopped for 90 days to prevent the parasites from becoming herb resistant.
Anal itching and the appearance of worms in the stool persisted, but we had seen enough evidence of their presence to hope we were on the right track. We both found worms regularly, although Nancy has had minimal symptoms. I began to have small tender inflamed eruptions on my legs, groin, abdomen, arm pits. I got some relief by opening the swollen areas and applying peroxide. It reduced the irritation but did not eliminate the swelling which remained for months.
We then began another similar herb program (Bowtrol) which we continued for 3 weeks. We experienced some relief, but could not seem to eliminate the infestation. Worms continued to appear. Itching continued keeping me awake for long hours every night. Salt water enemas, suppositories, Vicks, Vaseline, provided minimal relief. But we felt had some successes because the dead worms continued to emerge.
For many years I have experienced ENT congestion, itching, coughing, difficulty speaking. I would cough when I went to bed, and again, for several hours when I arose in the morning. It was difficult for me to be with people, at a movie, in church, . . . I was usually the only person coughing. I have felt it was allergic in nature. I have also found small cysts on my eyelids and itching of the lashes. I began swabbing peroxide in the nasal passages and removed multiple small masses. They were about the size of a kernel of wheat. Not mucus. Just different. Finally the nasal passages cleared. My throat congestion also improved. Now it comes and goes.
We waited 90 days and began another formula (this time with Humaworm) for 30 days (9/15 - 10/15/07) and Humaworm again 1/11 - 2/11/08.
Beginning last summer, we added more fruit to our diet - peaches, watermelon, bananas, raw pineapple, grapefruit - started gluten free bread, principally Ezekiel bread and buckwheat pancakes, popcorn, chicken or fish and mostly broccoli and squash. In March 2007 I weighed 192; now 170.
As you can see we've been on herb therapy for almost a year and were still finding worms in the stool. Anal itching persisted. My eyes itch. Salt water provides temporary relief to the eyes. The eruptions on legs and trunk are pretty much gone, but in past several months have been replaced by an extensive, persistent rash over the sacral and thoracic areas, and legs.
I have had a persistent rash around the anus almost continually since 2002 surgery. It continues even now.
Humaworm support system encouraged us to be patient, saying, there will be recovery but takes time, and the entire infestation may never be completely eradicated.
I kept expecting the anal itching to stop; the worms to disappear; my eyes to clear up. After endless waiting and two 30 day herb treatments, the complaints continue. Nancy says, be patient. Humaworm says, be patient. I just want to be whole again. Get my strength back. Get over the oppressive fatigue.
So despair enters in at times. I am grateful for good general health, but I want to feel alive and strong again. Rectal discomfort can be overwhelming and disabling. Both physically and mentally.
A correspondent with the Humaworm connection related that she had used iodine in her enema and produced a huge tapeworm in her stool and great relief after years of suffering.
Beginning two weeks after completion of the last (1/11/08) Humaworm 30 day treatment, I tried 2, 3, 4, 5 drops of Biodine in a one cup enema. On 2/18/08 a few hours after Biodine enema, a huge pile of worms emerged with a bowel movement. The same thing occurred again on 2/19/08. I am sending photos separately. I wanted you to read this first. Finally, on 2/21/08 a six inch long worm emerged. It's not over. For the first time in several years, the itching is nearly gone. Minimal and fleeting. But still there occasionally. I sleep all night. The chafing and swelling around the anus is noticeably improved. This week I passed only a few small worms.
There are still two tender swollen hemorrhoids. I believe these are parasites imbedded in the anal area. They cause minimal discomfort, but I am hoping they too will disappear as healing progresses. However, I am feeling alive for the first time in months. Rectal area feeling much better, softer, less rigid, less inflamed, for the first time in years.
Because of my strict dieting and herb program I have wondered how my general health is handling it, and so requested a general health review. I have received the lab results and assume I am doing alright.
I know that you are a very caring person and a wonderful doctor. Thank you for your care and friendship. You know that both Nancy and I are very fond of you. I hope you will understand this and increase your understanding.