...and it's called free energy. A lot of researchers and little inventors are being able to extract energy out of water, with the help of elecromagnetic waves, radio waves, sound, etc. The point is to be able to isolate the idrogen contained in water, which is higly combustible. NO BIG DEAL!!!! (as Maya would say)
Did you read correctly? yeah! OUT OF WATER!!! which means basically FOR FREE!!! we're full of water, it seems that salty water is even better for this purpose!
And if you stop a second and think about it, a world where energy is as available as air and water, if you think of all the implications...ISN'T IT AMAZING?
I'm living in the expection of the day when it will be official, when the truth about it will have become so big it won't be possible to hide it any more (that the multinational want it or not, they won't be able to stop anything like that!), I imagine people discovering about it and then going out in the streets and meet the others: is it true? is it really really true? and begin to daydream of all the things they will be able to do now, without effort, without loans, without pain. FOR FREE!!! How free, or freer, will this world be!
So if you ever run out of desires to attract, there is this one, for all of us, which is amazingly close, just need the last little kick. And then history will be all changed, and us all too.
This is just a sample, one of the very many people already able to make water burn:
How about Zero Point Free Energy? It's a kind of energy system that is harnessing the immense energy from zero point. Think of it like creating energy from nothingness... It's also like we are creators of new thoughts.
this one is even more elegant! gotta ask Erik to explain it to me (I'm happily incapable of any technological thinking, pure math is fine with me - within limits - but applications evade me)
Wait a minute: something like Testatika? they don't use any water, if I rememer well, just magnets. We've been there in Switzerland to visit them, they've had this technology for years.
July 10th 2008, is the projected date, but it's predicated entirely upon our success garnering 1.6 million witnesses before the 11th of May, 2008."
WOW....not too far isn't it?
Thank you for the link Ynaig, I'll read it when I have a bit more of calm, but I see Tesla in the name and that is a good beginning.
July 10th 2008, is the projected date, but it's predicated entirely upon our success garnering 1.6 million witnesses before the 11th of May, 2008."
WOW....not too far isn't it?
Thank you for the link Ynaig, I'll read it when I have a bit more of calm, but I see Tesla in the name and that is a good beginning, to give him tribute I mean.
Ynaig, re: the video you link to. Great idea! I was really inspired until....
too bad there's a really unpleasant evangelical "endtimes" flavour and sponsorship of this free power. I'm not sure I can -in good faith- call myself one of these "Christians" (a prerequisite, as the video states) though I'd love to see these events happen--and would like to see a demo for myself.
There's something really unsavoury though about all this talk of morality "kings and priests", "battle", "funding terrorists" at the end of this video...Good God!..there's talk too of rehabilitation programs for homosexuals...all this will come from the funding and attending of these demonstrations.
Nope--too bad--this sounds twisted: doesn't sound genuinely Godly to me.Anybody watched this video yet?
Do you see any contrast in what you doubt about this manifestation of the free energy technology. You create those doubts and so by virtue of this saying "The energy you give out, the results you get", you stop this manifestation dead stop.
Read one of the previous excerpts by Abraham I posted about conspiracies.
I love the idea of free electricity. I believe it ( or a much better way than now)is possible.
Here -for anyone to view and hear- is the page where you must watch the video in order to "register" to attend a demonstration event without charge. read the fine print. Listen to the video.
I welcome and embrace the idea of wonderful new technologies.
+edit: I welcome and embrace the idea and the manifestation of wonderful new technologies *grounded in, and in harmony with genuine love and light.* That's a rather high vibration. This company, its 'clothing' and its plans *isn't* that,
but more of the same old illusion (meaning ill light)
anyway, really many different people with the most varied backgrounds are coming out with free energy devices and I think it won't be necessary to sign up to any provider, christian or not. Free is free, and it will be better to beware of those that will want to colonize this free land, kinda. But the heck, what do they want to colonize? even aunt Maria would stop and think if someone knocks at the door and say, we want to sell you air.
Home electricity is not the most interesting part (oh well, maybe for cold canada it is). Think of cars and airplanes. All car companies are, more or less in secrecy, studying models for cars running on water. Many cars built by private people already exist. Think how industries will produce and distribute their things at much smaller prices. It is totally revolutionary. It is also what will likely save the panties of Earth now, as the economical situation would be almost humourous if it weren't so tragic. But voila', the bunny from the hat!
yeah, the free home electricity sounds *very* good to a Canadian. :-) I'm envisioning my ideal home and I can see this as the future. Now! The notion of stadiums full of *witnesses* to free or almost free energy actually working is a pretty wonderful vision, isn't it?
I'm very sorry, I'm afraid the link was mine, and yes those people of Methernita are more christian than their Saint Paul, sorry for not warning you. You know, Erik has been into free energy for some years now, and when he learnt about them he was ready to join the community and all, so that he would be able to work at free energy. But he he! we went to switzerland and they scared us away in terror within half an hour!
Anyway, Testatika is fairly important becuase it was the first free energy device that provided energy to a whole community for years. Now for obscure reasons they don't use it any more