I read this on the parasite forum...**********************
You really do need to wait 90 days before you do anymore parasite cleanses (HUMAWORM or anything else). I have posted lots of information about creating "super parasites" - basically it occurs when the parasites and their offspring are exposed to too many herbal chemicals - they have the capacity to become immune to what had worked before to kill them.
Resistance happens when the potent chemicals are repeatedly started - stopped and started again OR when they're taken for too long - months on end - OR when too low of a dose is taken for a long period of time - months. As you probably know, die-off symptoms can be very uncomfortable and some people can't handle them - this is how resistance can start. Others get freaked out and just take too many potent herbs daily because they can't handle the thought that worms are in their bodies.
The first step in these cases are to stop ALL herbal mecicines cold turkey. A LONG rest period is needed for the body AND for the resistant parasites. Sometimes the adult resistant parasites will die-off in the natural course of things - then their non-resistant offspring can be removed with herbal treatment. I have found that Ascaris is one of those that can become resistant easily. It's hard for ANYBODY to be told "leave them alone for 4 months - then treat them". But that's how you can win the battle - let them run their course - let the adult resistant parasites die - then kill their (hopefully) non-resistant children. It takes time, patience and will power to treat resistant infections- some people can handle it and some people can't.
So this is saying if we keep taking the parasite killers on a regular basis then we will create super bugs like the anibiotics that become ineffective after taking so many so long. Any thoughts?