Drinking 1 to 2 gallons of water a day.
Sounds rather excessive to me. That is between 8 to 16 pints a day.
Does your body really need that amount of water? I would hardly think so.
If you drink according to thirst and you still need that amount of water, then there could be an underlying reason why you need to......such as Diabetes for example.
Anything in excess of the bodies requirements is not really recommended: excessive sun exposure resulting in sunburn; excessive food resulting in obesity; excessive air/breathing, resulting in hyperventilation; excessive exercise resulting in exhaustion and so on....
It is probably wise to listen to your body and adhere to what it is actually telling you.
Any anomalies with the bodies Testosterone levels and HGH levels while fasting are usually rectified or normalized during a fast of sufficient duration, where the body will devote all of its healing energies.
Testosterone is of course a product of the endocrine & glandular systems.
Shelton has this to say............
"The great need, when there is glandular deficiency, is rest--rest of mind and body and rest from food. Cease eating and remain in bed and poise the mind until normal nerve energy is restored, and then the glands will secrete and excrete normally."
Fasting For Renewal of 293