I am a 59 year old male and have an inguinal hernia (right). I do not want to utilize the laparascopic technique. There is a method in use by Hernia Institute of Florida that is minimally invasive and requires only local anaesthetic. I do not want general anaesthetic unless absolutely necessary. I do not think that laparascopic repair can be as good. I have this unscientific opinion based on the obvious difficulty in such an operation. I agree that laparascopic techniques are good for some surgery. I had a hernia (left) when I was 15 years old. The repair was done under general anaesthetic and I have had no complications from this that I know of. That was 44 years ago. I do not like the introduction of foreign matter into the body unless absolutely necessary. That is what I find potentially appealing in the Desarda method. Any advanced information would be most welcome.