Have you walked around Stanford, Berkeley or UCLA? There are many great looking women and they all have IQs in the top ten percent of the population.Heather Locklear went to UCLA and she admits that she was'nt one of the better looking women on campus.
I studied chemistry ,physics , astrophysics ,calculus and did very well in college.I am better in math and physical sciences than other subjects.
My college classmates who got MBAs went on to work for Goldman Sachs or other similar firms or are now CEOs.Mitt Romney and TV host Cramer did well with their MBAs and would never work for you.
You will go down in history along with Einstein, Bohr ,Meitner ,Oppenheimer , Curie,Szilard, Shakespeare , Austin , Plato as a great creative genius for your work .
Bill Clinton was very handsome in his day as were Hillary's other boyfriends.Bill and Hillary would be bored stiff doing work as boring as yours because they are too intelligent and so would Romney, Edwards and the other candidates.
I am blond (naturally), blue eyed , and have the right curves (also natural) in the right places and weigh 115.