I was getting pedicures about two years ago and developed a Toe Nail Fungus. (NO more pedicures for me!) My big Toe started hurting really bad and then the toe nail lifted and then fell off. I went to the foot doctor and he gave me really strong medication to kill out the fungus. I had to take this expensive strong medication for three months along with several expensive Doctor visits. My toe nail grew back and I thought everything was okay. About two months ago I felt my toe getting sore again and the nail was lifting again. The fungus has taken over again. My question is this. How often should I apply the new cream to my toe? And, is it better to wear socks after I apply the cream or to let the air hit the toe? I am also wondering how long I should continue applying the cream to kill out the fungus. I want to put an end to this dang fungus for once and all. It is a big pain in the TOE!!!!!!! lol. Love ya, Donna