Some would say that Bush's greatest failure, one that will go down in infamy, was his failure to take advantage of the tragedy of 9/11 when most of the world's sympathy lay with America and make America a shining beacon of liberty and freedom for the entire world instead of squandering all that political capitol by pushing through the private agenda of his controllers.
Others, like myself would say that such would be the case if the world were as most of you have been brainwashed into thinking it is (otherwise we would not see so many sheeple keep arguing nonsensically about the candidates in the rigged sham we call a democratic election).
What Bush did was exactly what those who control him and every other president in recent years has done - what they were told to do. Their agenda is to bring America down - it is one of the last great obstacles to their plans for world dominance. THAT is why the moment was missed - there plan is to tarnish our image and destroy our country and our culture, to pull down our economy, our might and our freedoms and the plan is continuing apace while the sheeple argue about who is the most presidential looking, or who smoked the best reefer or snorted the most lines of coke in their teens.
Bush and Obama (and Clinton before them) may have gotten whacked, some more often than not. The majority of Citizens have been whacked by the machine for most of their entire lives and don't even know it. This thread is a great example.
The truth is out there, hidden in plain site. One has but to look and to cast off the brainwashings you have been subjected to.
Prediction - most people will not bother to click on the links, and the large majority of those who do will NOT bother to read them, since they already KNOW better (without ever stopping to ask themselves HOW it is that they know better). How can you know anything or refute anything you refuse to learn about?
It is as laughable, tragically, as the classic line by the juror who was interviewed right after the OJ trial:
"I don't know nothing about no DNA, but I knew the man was innocent before the trial ever began."