"....far less experienced, less tenured and in many instances less domestic workers who, despite their lack of overall experience, are willing to do the same job for the formal, above-the-table compensation in $$ wages".
forgot to mention, willing to do the same job for 1/2 or less the same formal above the table compensation in $$ wages.
This is just one of the aspects that makes Obama such the potential shining star, one that will even trump the first ever female president.... and I'm bending over way backwards to give benefit of the doubt that the queen of all that is ambigiuous would not have much difficulty if pressed on the matter to prove gender by way of a suitable blood test. Is it fair to assume that a white woman first ever president would automatically be given the same above the table $$ salary as has been given to white man presidents low these many years?; how about a first ever black man president?
This is so potentially rich. Suppose Clinton gets the nod. Would she automatically be given the same traditional salary, or switched to an hourly rate?... or would this first require a mini-series circus of Gloria Stinhams, Man Coulters and and Ms wannabes saturating the media air waves to demand an act of congress-mandated equality? What if instead Obama is appointed? Would he get the same rate, swithed to hourly rate, or perhaps paid only part time without benefits?....that might then require the saturation media cause be taken up by the combined media tag team of Al Sharpton, The Jesse Jackson, Ophra and entourage to get their boy equal pay? While were at it, this ought to cause a person to wonder, why are there no Mexicans, or Cubans, or Chileans, or Guatemalan or the like, even ones sufficiently domesticated for legal / tax purposes, in the primary campaign? This would certainly make the scenario a lot easier to pull off just in case the paymasters in the shadows of power are inclined to pay half or less the traditional, going rate for a non-male, non-caucasian president.