I have the same problems and concerns that you have shared in your post, except that recently I experienced what is often called a "mini stroke." My doctor wanted to admit me to the hospital but I refused because of the facial hair concerns. I ended up being tested as an outpatient and luckily all turned out well. But I did confide in my older sister (10 years older than me) for the first time about this problem I have. She is the first person I've ever told about this - I've never even brought it up with my own doctors over the years because it was so embarrassing. And as good sisters do, she was SO supportive and promised me that if ever I need to go into the hospital she will make sure she comes every day to see me and will take care of the facial hair for me if I'm not able to do it. I have to admit, it is a HUGE relief to have someone else know about this horrible "secret" I've kept all these years. I've been shaving my facial hair (it is pretty much what any man would grow) for about 20 years now - a long time to feel alone with something so embarrassing.