MH 108
For the past 3 months WHOLE FOODS has not had any frozen concentrate organic juices that don't have citric acid and other crap added making them worthless for the high price asked.
Few of their bottles organi juices are not poisoned, still on top of the heap is LAKEWOOOD, but you have to watch some of their blends, if the juice is blended then it probably has crap added, but most of their pure juices are great.
You won't find many juices that are not toxic in the common stores, at the very most, you may find orange juice that claims it has no additives, but otherwise most juice is from concentrate using city water and added citric acid and worse making it crap.
Children need fruit and fruit juices to drink. Trevor is almost age 4 and if you give anything but fruit juice at home, he will complain unti,he gets juice. As children get perverted with commercial foods, they eventually can tolerate and even eventually like the toxic drinks.