"...for the first time in my life(time) I've been proud of America..." Hmmmmmmm. Hillary, you paying attention? That's really, really good stuff! One more reason to leave the spouses at home. You put yourself out there day in and day out...eventually the real you is going to spill out of that bitter piehole. Michelle Obama, better lay low with the bitterness and America-hating. It's in you deep, everyone could tell. No appreciation, envy, distain. Doesn't play well coming from a millionaire University of Chicago heavy on paid "sabatical". Words mean things. And you're a trained orator, that's what you do. Think McCain would ever say out loud, "This is the first time I've ever been proud of America"? No way. Flag the Curezone Tape. I want this recorded for the historical record...Barack's first major blunder in open forum. Time will tell if his ship takes on water and sinks.