The fungal is secondary to whats causing this.
The inflamation needs to be stopped.
As far as reprogrammed I think this is in the league
of eczema or
Psoriasis and the cause
if unknown. Its more difficult to stop though because the lips
come in contact with so much.
The cause of many skin ailments are unknown which makes me suspect a virus
or perhaps and allergy
Denavir (an antiviral) seems have been successful
for many. Also Lysine has been successful so virus is number one suspect.
Allergies or allergy to immune complexes for example those that might be generated by Candida overgrowth could be the cause also. So the more steroids you take
the more the fungas grows and more of these complexes are created and causes
a worse reaction.
These are all hypothesis however but are based on what I read on this forum, and based on others who have this and what I share in common with those others.
So my conclusion is this is an allergy or virus.