which is more important right now. To release the resistance of allowing my business to prosper and therefore allow me to leave my present position, come next January? Or to release the resistance of allowing a man into my life?
They are both important, yet I see my business is moreso. As well I wonder if everything else comes together, can I just be able to have the relationship come together? I would suppose not necessairly though, huh? I am sure there is much resistance there.
LOL Although, I have manifested the physical description of my perfect mate into my life, Thursday and Friday. I even spoke to the one briefly, a couple times. Yet he left without either going beyond the brief chat :/. I cannot say if this man had any other qualities than his physicalness. LOL At least, I had some 'eye candy' at work yesterday for a couple hours!
I think as soon as I can truly make the decision (which to tell the truth, as I typed this, I see it) I will sit with the exercise and bring it back on here. I believe some time tomorrow (well later, today) I will be back with it.
Everyone, have an Awe-filled Sunday!