Romeo, have you ever tried green smoothies?
I don't like feeling like I'm living off rabbit food.
I tried making "green juices" but it take pounds of stuff to get a 16 oz glass and you're throwing all that good fiber away! I found that irritating because my bowel tract needs that fiber i was throwing on the compost pile.
Last week I bought a Magic Bullet at Walmart for about 60bucks. This thing is quite the trick!!
Lemme give you today's lunch as an example, here's you a recipe:
Leafy Greens/Strawberry Smoothie
20 organic collard leaves, break off the stems below the green
1 10 oz bag frozen organic strawberries *won't use whole bag)
1 c orangic apple juice
10 stems organic cilantro
1 stalk organic celery
1/2 teaspoon organic flax seed
4 caps of chlorella
Put flax seed in Magic Bullet large glass, grind into course meal consistancy.
Add collards, cilantro and 1/2 c of apple juice, blend until very smooth green liquid.
Add celery, blend until smooth.
Add frozen strawberries, push down into the liquid. Put as many as you can get in, blend.
Make sure all fruit and celery is blended until smooth. Stop and shake container repeatedly, can stop and use a spoon or spatula.
Add as much of the apple juice to mix to get to a consistancy of pudding and eat this chocolate brown meal in a glass.
This was also a bit of oral chelation for heavy metals. Cilantro pulls the heavy metals out of storage, the chlorella entraps it and escourts it out of the body.
Play around with greens, fruits, juices, herbs, write down the combos that meet your taste tests!!