Dr. Hulda Clark actualy suggest HUGE DOSES, but herb companies such as clarkia push the SCARED "E" CAT doses Dr. Clark wrote where they use drops! The drop method is ONLY to show the people it does not hurt! The ones selling little 2 ounce bottles want us to believe the fear dose is all that is needed and disregards Dr. Hulda Clark's real doseages, but have no problems robbing her last name to use as gimmick to sale the 2 ounce bottles.
Dr. John R. Christopher treated humans with herbs, so he used HUGE DOSES and if they threw that up, he would say GREAT, now the stomach is empty and can handle more herbs.
A 16 ounce bottle @ 1/2 ounce daily will last month.
I have seen people drink 32 ounces in one day. I have seen people dip a tooth pic in the dewormer and then suck on the tooth pic. I came up with this:
2 bottles for 30 day parasite plan (1 tablespoon morning and then night)
2 more bottles to last the first year ( 1 tablespoon per week)
I also suggest a drop of oregano daily and some sort of Olive Leaf powder product daily. I believe this is an excellant method using herbs to get "worm-free". To get 100% worm free I believe is impossible, but we can have control the rest of our lives and make our body undesirable for worms to live in.
I had a worthless chiropractor from AR call me one day asking about why I use 16 oz bottles, I explained why and he said I would rather sell the 2 ounce bottles, because people do not want to take herbs and he said he did not care that the method was 100% worthless/fake. He also added he had small shelf space and wanted the smallest bottles possible.
People could use the dewormer daily, I some that do! I also made the Longevity Spices Formula that eliminates the kidney cleanse and the dewormer formula, etc..and it is taken daily as a herbal cure for all. I have ONLY ONE customer that takes it as I suggested; his name is Brother Vayle age 93 and the closest friend of the late William Branham. He has consumed 1 gallon per month for the past 15+ months, plus allot of my other herbs such as the Maximum Restore. Actually he holds the records for consumption of both of those products.
People do not like the idea of drinking 12 gallons of herbs yearly!!! They definetly do not like the cost!!!!!
The biggest bang for the buck $$$$ will always be oregano oil. That is why I use it in all my liquid products along with Olive Leaf.