Realizing that a mother's milk can become acidic with stress and exhaustion, (and that a rested mother is a baby's best friend :)what are people's favorite diaper rash remedies? homeopathic? other? It's been too long since my child was that age, but a friend needs to know...
Topical Colloidal Silver . Use after washing and drying area. Keep area very dry. Yeast grows in warm, dark, wet places. If an infant, after changing, leave without diaper for 20 minutes. If stool is very smelly, add probiotics to water and give in between feedings. Give to mother as well.
thanks everyone--I'll pass this on. I like the idea of browning flour...
thinking simple. Of course going bare-bottomed in the sun would be great. Not much of it around at the moment, and it's bloody cold. :-)