I have a friend with adrenal fatigue. He had a medical intuitive from Austria come to the states, who mentioned Addison's and Lyme disease. On his advice he was given antibiotics for the Lyme. This has been a couple of years ago that he had the antibiotics. He has not recovered his strength, blood pressure bottoms out when he stands.
He plays tennis, golf, and does aquatics. He does not stop when his energy gives out when exercising, as he has been athletic for years and he is proud. He is very stubborn but they have a lot of money and not that much stress. At least he denies stress, but his wife says he talks a lot about politics in Germany (their home country.)
His wife asked me for help and as I have friends with adrenal fatigue, I was able to recognize it and point her in the right direction there. He does not have the dark elbows and knees associated with Addison's, so I think he can really be helped. He has started with a chiropractor that I really agree with, who has taken him off sugar and put him on whole foods.
Do you know if Lyme causes adrenal fatigue? Where can I find info about Lyme? I know nothing about it except that Newport is working through it.
there is a lot to be gleaned from newport and his work in this area. i dont know how much of his case is unique to him and how much would translate to someone elses case.
my approach is a foundational one. if the body has everything it needs, is not poisoned and is moving everything around and out like it should, the rest is automatic.
the basics are oxygen, water, and sugar(fuel). then the diet should focus on raw fresh food with good quality plant fats and herbs for vital nutrients.
9 times out of ten people need less and not more. in other words they eat too much and too often and the wrong kinds or combinations of foods and have a body burden of things they dont need, most notable the wrong halides and heavy metals.
lyme is an infection. make the body inhospitable to it and it will go away. iodine is one of the ways one can make the body unfriendly to any infection. it is my disinfectant of choice for internal use in the body. it requires using the salt of iodine like potassium iodide. a gram of that a day for a couple of weeks will make a huge dent in such an infection.
the basics are very important for the iodine to work and for the pathogen to stay away once it is dealt with. this is true for everything, including cancer.
aside from the good stuff in/bad stuff out scenario, there are enhancements to be had electrically, magnetically, and other energies as well, both subtle and not, that can help any or all aspects of reaching ones goals. i have little knowledge and no experience with zappers, but i believe they work. magnets would not have much effect on lyme as far as i know. tachyons have a healing and normalizing effect.
colloidal silver may be of big benefit too, but i dont recommend that with iodine at the same time and i believe in doing it in a big way in order to get in and get out. i do not know of any success with lyme specifically with CS but i cant imagine why it wouldnt work if done properly. silver and oxygen therapies go well together and enhance one another.
my first choice is always going to be iodine with infections. it kills so many birds with one stone its not funny. then afterwards, if needed, everything else will work so much better, be much more effective, and require much less effort and time to work.
hi trapper....now I'm wondering if I didn't take enough lugol's to have an effect. I actually don't know for sure that I have lyme, just high suspicion. also a 1" rash on my shin that doesn't go away, and looks bullseye to me.
I took lugols for 8 months, increasing up to 150 mg/day. I didn't notice any changes. maybe not high enough, now I'm wondering. does it take a pretty high dose for lyme typically?
lugols with its elemental I2 is pretty rough in doses over 500mg. the oxidative effect can become adverse. potassium iodide, however, can be taken in huge amounts without all that oxidative stress. doses of KI up to 3 grams per day were not that uncommon 100 years ago. i was doing 900mg of wilsons iodine solution, which is mostly KI, and maintained that for over two weeks. it sure did something for me, something like kill an infection i didnt even realize i had until it was gone. without tests, thats the best i can do is tell you what i think happened. but something did happen and the change was for the better and apparently permanent. i still feel... released.
They say ev'rything can be replaced,
Yet ev'ry distance is not near.
So I remember ev'ry face
Of ev'ry man who put me here.
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east.
Any day now, any day now,
I shall be released.
They say ev'ry man needs protection,
They say ev'ry man must fall.
Yet I swear I see my reflection
Some place so high above this wall.
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east.
Any day now, any day now,
I shall be released.
Standing next to me in this lonely crowd,
Is a man who swears he's not to blame.
All day long I hear him shout so loud,
Crying out that he was framed.
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east.
Any day now, any day now,
I shall be released.
the vitamin C in citrus does reduce the I2 to an iodide. i take lugols in orange juice if i am doing high doses. normally though i use 00 vegcaps. 8-9 drops fills those and you take it immediately of course. i take those with water, PLENTY of water. two of those a day do me fine.
i would love to find a good source of potassium iodide, both pills like they use for the nuke pills and a cheap bulk crystals supplier. i wonder if the gov would surplus some of those nuke pills they hoard? i would much rather have those than MRE's.
very interesting...infection for me is a problem, I'm not too close to being released yet... where would I get potassium iodide, or is the wilson stock the only one? any left and available for purchase?
one can put lugols in orange juice or find those nuke pills for high dosing. anyone handling iodine wants to make a killing on it to pay the feds their protection money. it should be cheap as dirt.
According to Utopia Silver owner Ben Taylor, Lyme is another one of those conditions where no two people and incidence seem to be exactly the same. His advice is to work your way up to a truly therapeutic dose of an ounce or so a day and continue until successful. One reason to work your way up is due to the Herxheimer effect, where often a person feels worse before they feel better while using succesful therapy
Many people who use silver think that the dosage recommended on the bottle of a teaspoon or so twice a day is a therapeutic dosage. It isn't - that is merely a maintenance dosage and good for general protection against pathogens. Systemic illnesses and really tough ones require a considerably larger amount. I have been known to drink half a bottle a day to knock out bugs in a hurry. That might get a bit pricey if you were doing that with a top CS like Utopia's Advanced Silver (me, I just walk over to the big dispenser at Utopia Silver and fill my bottle whenever I want). In that case, perhaps a combo of some US product and the quality stuff you can make at home with a Silver Puppy would be good.
(If I ever make and market my own CS, you can bet that the premium stuff I sell will be a combo of silver like you can make from the Puppy and the Utopia Silver product (because you cannot duplicate the way they make theirs at home, unless you are pretty advanced in engineering and have more than a little spare change.)
Some may be worried about the so-called "blue skin" effect, known as Argyria, which really should not be a problem, but Ben says the best way for anyone to watch for the possibility is to watch for unusual "bluing" at the fingernail cuticle site.
it takes a long time even with really bad CS. i wouldnt worry about bluing with a good home made or utopia either one.
the only herx i ever got with silver was sleeping. it made me dead tired and i slept for days at a time. it was a relief for me but i could no longer work as it was anyway.
i took tons of high ppm YELLOW CS. i have no doubt about its safety. my experience leads me to believe that the right dosage is as much as it takes to work. your answer is no doubt in that ballpark.
I'm just adding my experience to this thread in case it helps someone-
I have drunk a quart per day of my own homemade CS (Made with distilled water, no salt, SOTA Inst. Silver Pulser) several times over the last few years with no adverse effects whatsoever; This is approx 5 ppm- not as strong as Trapper's yellow CS..
And I wouldn't hesitate to do it at the drop of a hat if I thought it advisable to do every day, for weeks if necessary..
Might possibly want a little daily Acidophilus in addition, but so what..