I truly appreciate Ynaig. He’s one in a Billion! He’s so helpful and goes out of his way to find useful information and answers for those who do the asking. I find it amazing that he’s prepared to type out sections of books just to help others out. WOW!! Ynaig is so generous with his time. Ynaig is thoughtful, sweet, sensitive and kind. Ynaig is deeply connected to source because he shows great love of all creatures, great and small. If I could come back as an animal, I would choose to come back as Ynaig’s cat, because I know I would be guaranteed to be loved and pampered all day long! Ynaig is all good!!
Infinitelove … the name says it all! She is all that and so much more! I love her creative writing abilities, and the way she crosses her t’s and dots her i’s!! I appreciate how many rockets of desires she is launching right now! I can’t wait for her to reap the prizes in her vibrational escrow because when she does, there’s going to be a big bang! We’re all going to party with her big time! I love how she finds us the best Youtube videos!! She has so much spiritual depth, deeper than the deepest ocean. I appreciate the soft and gentle essence of her in the LOA forum. It’s always a beautiful thing when Elle is around!
Beth! Beth! Beth! She’s so honest about her feelings and experiences. I love who she is and how far she has already come in this life journey. I appreciate how much she shares of herself. I love that she knows she is God. Wow, and what a God! Beth is loving, generous and funny!! I would love to go to a pyjama party at Beth’s place and eat cake and drink tea with her (after her fast is over!!) because it would be fun, fun, fun! I know Beth will find her peace and will be an inspiration to all of us to find ours. Beth is a beautiful angel!
I love Monica and the way she always puts loads of xoxoxoxoxo’s at the bottom of her posts! Hugs and kisses are so downstream! Only the foxiest of women could manage to attract a gorgeous kitty to snuggle up to her wonderful boobs! I bet she’s really good fun to hang out with! I love the way she came onto this forum and started asking really great questions and the answers that came helped so many people. She’s so open to change and takes the bull by the horns. She is a woman on a mission!! Monica is LOA in action!! Monica is a sexy Goddess and makes me laugh. Monica rocks!!
HeartSpirit –I love Lori’s wisdom! I love chatting with her on skype, I love the emails we share. I love laughing with her. She’s so wonderful and a true Earth Goddess. She’s so in touch with her feelings and knows how to own them. I love how she’s overcome so much in her life and is becoming the inspiration around her family and all that she touches. Lori is open, honest and caring. She’s the mother of all mothers. I can declare with selfish joy that Lori is one of my best friends! Yay for me to have attracted her into my life!
Have a joyous weekend!
YOU are the vortex! Let it flow.
Maya X