I don't think it's the least bit odd that people are posting breathing problems. When I first found this board in early December there were many posts about people getting bad colds and a lot of the "supporters" replying to the effect that "it's just a healing crisis" or some such thing. It is remarks like that which cause people to refrain from posting negative effects.
I too had breathing difficulties at the 15 drop level with a vinegar activator. Yet I don't see that as a real problem because it only lasted for a few minutes, but it was definitely there. I'm not going to press it, but I am much more in touch with my body than a lot of folks and I can feel MMS entering me through my tongue and throat. When it hits those places at the high dosage, that's when it also odor wise, affected my breathing for a while. A portion of the MMS solution stays in that area, and that's what caused my breathing problems, the continuous vaporization from those places which got into my lungs.
I have granulomas in my lungs which are what my body created to surround and wall off the active TB that entered there. The TB germs are still alive and active even after more than 70 years. My condition is not unique. Many people have active TB in lung granulomas decades after their exposure. However, if in fact MMS breaks down those walls, then it is capable of releasing active TB in me and anyone else who has them.I think that by chastising people on this forum who have negative experiences with MMS, it discourages the posting of negative experiences. This is a support forum - for both negative and positive outcomes.
I'll probably continue to use mine as a mouth wash - it is a good plaque remover.
The only TB "symptoms" I have are what show up on the X-Ray. It is dormant. My concern in following many of the MMS discussions earlier is that if MMS breaks down the body's defenses and unleashes what is underneath, then does it do that to the granulomas? As long as nothing disturbs the granulomas, then there is no TB concern. So - I don't have any interest in Rife, which is just another endorphin generator, and while endorphins do heal, I boost my endorphins through daily walking which also heals. Let's drop Rife, as that's not an MMS topic.
Many people - in the several thousands in this country (USA) have granuloma encased TB. Can MMS stir it up? Nobody knows, but there is definitely a lung factor to MMS at the higher doses.
"Rife technology has NOTHING TO DO with endorphin stimulation, and as been discussed here HUNDREDS OF TIMES, MMS DOES NOT COMPROMISE "the bodies defenses". It oxydizes pathogens and allows the bodies immune system to take over and eliminate the waste."
That's just your opinion. It is an endorphin stimulator. Nothing more, nothing less.
""That's just your opinion. It is an endorphin stimulator.
Nothing more, nothing less."
Royal Rife "deactivated" specific pathogens using his MOR (mortal
oscillatory rate) frequencies to compromise pleomorphic cells and destroy them
through tranmitted radio frequency energy, via a plasma EM wave.
"Endorphins" were never SO MUCH AS MENTIONED in any of Rife's
voluminous printed, published, filmed, or recorded works.
It's official, Ladies and Gentlemen of Curezone.
WE HAVE A TROLL ! lol......."
No, endorphins were never mentioned in any of Rife's material because he, like Hulda Clark, believes his own publicity. But that's what the Rife generator (and Hulda's electrical zapper) stimulate. Endorphins are created by the brain during aerobic exercise, meditation, or stimulation through electrical impulses, sound waves, or light frequencies.
Just as in double blind studies of drugs it has been found that the human spirit (not the mind) can cure as much as 60% of the time and it's called the Placebo Effect. If you really believe something will cure you, it will - if you want to be cured. (Many people don't want to be cured and don't realize it because they are not in touch with themselves as spirit.)
A troll? Would I make a six week attempt at MMS getting up to 15 drops twice a day just to be a troll?
Sydney Morning Herald - December 30, 2000
Although unanimously condemned as worthless by mainstream scientists and banned in at least two American States, the highly profitable Rife industry is flourishing in Australia because of a lack of effective regulation, says John Dwyer, the head of medicine at Prince Henry and Prince of Wales teaching hospitals in Sydney. He blames this on "buck-passing" among no fewer than five government agencies supposedly responsible for protecting health consumers (see "Nothing to do with us, say agencies") which have failed to act against promoters of Rife machines and other "cures" he regards as quackery.
The device was invented a century ago by Albert Abrams (1864-1924), an American physician who became a millionaire and was branded by the American Medical Association "the dean of gadget quacks". His theory was that every medical condition was caused by an organism that had a specific frequency - by building a machine to generate and beam that frequency back into the body it would be destroyed, much as an opera singer can shatter a glass.
His research was refined by a Californian pathologist, Raymond Royal Rife (1888-1971), and a New Mexico chiropractor, James Bare, who drew up tables giving the frequency of 30,000 organisms they said caused every condition from dandruff to leprosy, strokes and syphilis. AIDS, for instance, is said to be cured by a frequency of 2,489 kilohertz in as little as three three-minute sessions.
Electronics Australia magazine, which has been campaigning against the gadgets, analysed one and found that it consisted of a nine-volt battery, some wiring, a switch, a timer and two short lengths of copper tubing - components worth about $15. The electrical current delivered was "almost undetectable" and unlikely even to penetrate the skin, let alone kill any organism.
"You just confirmed what you are trying to deny. People here will know you are not the sort to pick out curezone as your place to learn healing if you use quckwatch as your criteria for informative truth."
I didn't find that newspaper article through quackwatch.
I learned about MMS from curezone. It's where I first saw it, it's through the MMS support forum that I heard all the praises, and I don't deny that it works for some people. But it didn't do anything for me. Some people are reporting good results, but from that high activity here on this support group, there really aren't very many reporting positive results.
"But, what IS wrong is to come in and invade a place whose ideas are different than yours and try to convince them that you are right and they are wrong. We are doing what we choose to do."
Whoa... I have in no way invaded the MMS support group with anything negative about MMS other than my own personal experiences - how it hasn't affected me. If one can't report neutral or negative results, then what kind of a support group is it? If you don't like my comments regarding Rife (or Hulda Clark), then let's take it over to a debate forum.
I told a urologist to basically kiss my backside and cancelled prostate surgery after being laboratory tested as having cancer. The doctor actually screamed at me when I cancelled the surgery date but I did what I wanted to do based on my information. I have gone for more than 15 years without medical intervention of my cancer. I have taken my own course in my treatment of cancer and still have my prostate and my PSA levels (measures of potential cancer) are relatively low. If you think that is mainstream, then you have a right to your opinion.
Some 25 years ago I cured an irregular heart beat, on my own, that really bothered me when I jogged. The cardiologist who first diagnosed it via EKG didn't even blink when my then current EKG came out without the irregular heart beat. Never once even asked me a question.
Within the past year I have cured my atrial fibrillation from really severe onsets to nothing at all, and haven't had an episode in 7 or 8 months. I did it on my own, my way, and refused blood thinning medication (standard medical procedure for this condition) in the process. The cardiologist just mumbles when I tell him how I did it.
I have refused antibiotics many times over (except for my MMS induced fever around Christmas time) and cured my own illnesses alternatively.
I agree completely that love can heal many conditions. However, what a lot of people think of as love comes not only with strings attached, but with invasive attributes that do more harm than good.
If this sounds as if I'm relying on allopathic medicine or invading curezone, the please let me know.