I can just tell whom is sexually aware more so then others,even with men.
I can tell a guy that 'gets it' (pun? lol) and a guy that doesn't.A person that
radiates with sexual energy or one that just channels it through them without noticing.
I often am attracted to really sexually aware girls but often find myself feeling
worried that they are always looking out for the BBD (bigger better deal OR bigger
blacker DICK rofl) because they are so intensely aware and their minds/bodies
operate in that frequency/realm that they are constantly in a flux were there
are many moments in their day of fleeting yet intense feelings of sexual attraction.
It's enough to keep me away from those types of girls but they encapture my attention
oh so much.My only choice is to develop my sexual awareness even stronger,channel
my imagination and intensify my physical desires as strongly as possible..
that way,she will have no reason to ever leave me and I'll be the best catch of her
I firmly believe that no matter how much of an awesome provider you are,
how much money you got,even power..without the ability to induce a natural feeling
of attraction in her or if there is no chemistry,there will simply be no
attraction and no lovin'.Period.
I believe you CANNOT convince a girl to like you, there must be an attraction and it must be sparked by YOU,before doing so you have to open,aware and how to naturally express those feelings the right way and it has NOTHING to do with words,much like any intense emotion that takes place in real time, the expression of those emotions and state is automatically and naturally communicated long before a word is even spoken..it's not so much the content/context of the message but the emotional state that it's delivered in that makes the point across loud and clear sub-consciously,
they will feel it,consciously they understand.
Much like also how a woman can tell if a woman is a slut or whatever,their
body language tells all..