If I'm driving on an icy highway and I see cars ahead of me slamming on their brakes and spinning and sliding out of control to their ultimate doom, isn't it just obvious of me to exit the highway to safety. Isn't it just to say to my passenger, "Hey, honey, I don't want trouble up ahead, I'll put on the flashers and warn others as we're exiting off this stretch." Maybe folks will see the flashing reds and get the warning...some won't and will drive on into a ditch. I tried.
Health care for all is a black-ice frozen highway that many people want to travel, not knowing their financial fate is at risk, but willing to venture on anyway. It won't work. It's a disaster and both Dems are headed that way. Government can't do anything efficiently. Anything! Public schools are a disaster...yet Dems want to pour more money into them. Everybody out of the Middle East...good luck with that. Taxation...get ready for guys like me to lay a bunch of employees off. That's what I'll do as sure as I'm sitting here. And so will 100,000 of my employer friends. Minority "programs" will be installed left, right, up, and down. Who's paying for all that? The road ahead is filled with cars in ditches every hundred yards...I'm just exiting for my own good. Anything wrong with that, friend? It's not going to turn out well for America. At least I can be honest and state as such...