Hi all,
It is amazing to see other's post their photo's and what they are showing is the same things that came from your own body! I have seen it over and over from sticking around this support forum for so many months now. Boy you sure learn alot.
First click on my username which is Matchmaker and you will see all of my posts. Scroll down to the 7 months section and look for Did my first Hulda Clark Liver Flush by Match Maker. There you will see gullstones that came out by the tons all morning long along with chaff that was stuck to the sides of the towlet. When I did my second Liver Flush I was amazed to find several more gullstones floating and there was on that mesured the size of a quarter! It looked like several stones forming together. Now how can something that large be in your bile ducts? Can you just imagine how blocked the bile duct was?
Next look for the post titled Different looking flukes by Matchmaker 7 months also down a little farther. These flukes didn't look like getting wells hubby but they were very odd looking and you can tell that these are flukes!
Next go down a little farther and you will see some flukes that I took a pic of that look just like Getting Well's hubbies. The title of this post is RG, are these Flukes? I got out tons of these things and they were not soft, they were hard and I could feel them when they came out. I got tons out after a Liver flush after my Humaworm cleanse was finished.
I have a really close friend that I have to brag on now. You may have remembered me sharing her liver count dropping. Well, she was on 6 Soma's and 6 Norco's, ambien and Trazadone for sleep for 16 years and if she didn't take them she would have a severe stomach ache. The Dr. gave her around 5 years to live if she didn't do anything about her elivated liver count. She followed what I told her to do from what I learned from RG. She first did a Hulda Clark Liver flush before starting her Humaworm cleanse. She next did her Humaworm and then followed that by another Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse. In 90 days she did another Liver Flush and then extra strength Humaworm and again followed by another Liver Flush. She is now down to 1/2 of a Soma and is off of Norco's all together!!!!! She said she is taking me out to lunch. lol. She can't believe that she is almost completely off of her drugs. She is seeing several flukes now. She was experiencing a lot of syliva in her mouth with tingling on the sides of her lips. She was not drinking enough water. She started doing cleansing enemas with a bulb enema and warm lemon water and then she just did a coffee retention enema. Both enemas pulled out lots of flukes that were dying. She also said she was hearing a lot of gurgling inside which RG has said that it is the parasites dying. She has experienced the die off since Dec. So, this is a lesson to drink the WATER!!!!!!! RG said that she is in full detox now. She is now drinking the water and still doing daily lemon water enema's to get out the rest of the flukes and toxins. I wish to add that she will be a proud grandma in a few days to a beautiful baby boy! I truly believe now that she will be around to watch her grandson grow up. I hope this post helps someone out there. God Bless, Donna