Although three replies is hardly conclusive by any means, your replies add further to discussions Ive had with other people in a similar situation.
My "theory" is that the body is producing anti-bodies within the intestine to attack a wide variety of pathogens, which under normal conditions would remain inside the intestine. However when one develops LGS and intestinal permeability increases, anti-bodies that would normally remain inside the intestine gain access to our bloodstream and attack tissues that have receptors that are either identical or very very similar to the receptors on the origional target (pathogen inside gut).
Therefore so called "auto-immune disease" could potentially be nothing more than anti-bodies that are supposed to be attacking pathogens inside the gut that are infact gaining access to our bloodstream due to LGS.
Another possibility is that LGS allows pathogens direct access to the bloodstream and also undigested particles, both of which are triggering an immune response from outside the gut, however the same recovery scenario applies, heal the wall and bye bye anti-bodies.
Anyhow, keep an eye out for this when your talking to other people and ask them if they have experianced an auto-immune disorder whilst having LGS. Its possible that it is a total coincidence and the auto immune disorder in tandem with LGS is merely an indication of a body that has deteriated in general, however I believe otherwise.
Another question, have any of you used anti-biotics for an extended length of time or on a frequent basis ?
My belief is that anti-biotics destroy beneficial bacteria leading to an increase in pathogens thus creating an unhealthy intestine and subsequently LGS as the conditions inside the gut deteriate subsequently leading to "auto-immune disorders".