Ha, ha, ha, ha.
We didn't go to Iraq to look for WMD. We went there to begin Armageddon so that JC would come back. Funny thing, it hasn't happened yet. (Fact of the matter is - JC never left the planet - per his own words.)
Dquixote1217 said they did. Of course, there's a conspiracy on every corner too so there's probably WMD in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Canada, Venezuela - basically anyplace that doesn't like Bush and the Armageddonites.
As regards WMD - I was joking about ALL of our mideast troops coming home.
You can take this to the bank: as long as their are oil fields in Iraq with a pipeline that goes to Israel and terminates at a port there, we will NEVER bring all the troops home. Decades from now we will still have military bases guarding those pipelines. It is why we went to war to begin with in the Middle East (Saddam in the Kuwait oilfields) and why we went into Iraq. Period.
Afghanistan had poppies! And our old allies that we armed and trained - Bin Laden and the Taliban.
What they didn't have was anyone responsible for 9/11. The closest a missle ever came to getting any of those folks was the one that hit the Pentagon.
I thought we went to Iraq to make the world's oil supply safe for capitalism?
Same as we went to war in Afghanistan to make the world's poppie fields safe for the CIA.
"I thought we went to Iraq to make the world's oil supply safe for capitalism?"
I agree completely on Afghanistan and the poppy industry.
If you believe we went to Iraq for WMD, you believe in the tooth fairy. It was the evangelicals trying to create Armageddon. Bush consults with them on foreign policy all the time. Why do think that he's (we, you and me brother) headed for either invasion of bombing of Iran? Same reason.
Just one of many sites regarding Bush and the Armageddonites.
These end-timers have great influence over the U.S. government's foreign policy. They are thick with the Republican leadership. At a recent conference in Washington, congressional leader Roy Blunt, for example, has said that their work is "part of God's plan." At the same meeting, where speakers promoted attacking Iran, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay glorified "end times." Indeed the Bush administration often consults with them on Mideast policies. The organizer of the conference, Rev. John Hagee, is often welcomed at the White House, although his ratings are among the lowest on integrity and transparency by Ministry Watch, which rates religious broadcasters. He raises millions of dollars from his campaign supporting Israeli settlements on the West Bank, including much for himself. Erstwhile presidential candidate Gary Bauer is on his Board of Directors. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson also both expressed strong end-times beliefs.
Bush is a tool of those who will bring about Armageddon, no doubt, but it is not their intent to bring about Armageddon. That will happen as a result of their actions to bring the wealth, resources and surviving population of the world under their control and enslavement.
According to prophecy, we still lack a false Messia sitting on the throne Jerusalem before the 200 million man army from the east attacks and begins the endgame of Armageddon. Whether that happens of not, the move to one world government is real and proceeding. If we do not wake up and stop it, nothing short of an Armageddon will.