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Updated: January 24, 2008 7:53 PM EST
Reader Feedback -- Thank you!
1/11/2008: Carol from La Verne, CA writes: "re: Fluoride and Calcium Gluconate I.V. The medical reference book 'The Merck Manual' states that for fluoride to be leached out of the body to use an I.V. of Calcium Gluconate. The fluoride is attracted to the calcium and and excreted in the urine, stool, or skin. I am wondering if this type of treatment can be more effective than leaching with boron."
1/23/2008: Jason Uttley responds: "I think it's important to point out that this is only a treatment for ACUTE fluoride poisoning."
12/13/2007: Bev (totustuus/@/ from Elroy, WI writes: "I had been treated with zithromax for pneumonia but what seemed to trigger the severe, sudden onset of reflux was taking 200mg of ibuprofen twice within the week for pain in my neck during that time. The ibuprofen caused a gastric ulcer since I had been on periodic courses of prednisone earlier for acute asthma which resolved after seven weeks of antibiotics. When I got the pneumonia I had no asthma but a high fever, fatigue and pain in the neck. Steroids can cause ulcers but I didn't think the effect would last that long as I was not taking any at the time. I woke up choking at night with reflux and started protonix. Stopped after about one year and since use digestive enzymes, honey, camomile, ACV with baking soda. Caution: Prevacid ia a fluoridated medication. Along with the reflux, I began severe hypothyroid symptoms I believe caused by Diflucan and Advair which are both fluoridated. Have been doing the borax detox twice a week and have reduced thyroid medication from 3 1/2 to 2 1/2 gr Armour."
11/27/2007: Steve W from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia writes: "I have been living over seas for the past 6 months.
In regards to flouride. I have read extensively your articles. I would like to point out that you mention in one section that reverse osmosis bottled water such as Aquifina, etc are clean of flouride due to the fact that they are reverse osmosis filtered---HOWEVER I CAUTION YOU AND YOUR READERS---READ THE LABEL. Aquifina here in where I live and in the US last time I check had significant levels of Flouride AND Chlorine. While I cannot substantiate WHY it would I suspect it is because they are adding it AFTER filtering for "our benefit". I can tell you here even distilled water is curiously high in both flouride and chlorine AND IS MARKETED specifically for babies as "PURE Distilled water".
There has been a massive push in just the last 3 months here to add flouride to drinking water and almost every toothpaste that DID NOT have it, has now produced a version with it or even eliminated the non-flouridated product.
THIS is all being done ONLY under the guise that the American Dental Association has accepted flouride as a wonderful preventitive. I now wonder how many other widely accepted programs in foreign countries have been created just because "America is doing it".
If only one thing, I stress again and again read the labels. You can at least keep yourself safe until they start taking the labels away, by then you should have your OWN water purification reverse osmosis or distiller to protect yourself if you do not already."
11/27/2007: Jason Uttley reponds: "Speaking as someone who is hypersensitive to fluoride, I can tell you from experience that distilled water is normally fluoride free. I have seen a few cases of fluoride being added back to reverse osmosis filtered water, but that's not a common practice and I don't believe that occurs in the case of Aquafina. However, that said, Steve does make a good point in that one should always read the label of filtered water to see if it makes any reference to fluoride being added back in. Unfortunately, since one can't always rely on the label in the case of fluoride, you might consider using r/o water that doesn't indicate the addition of any minerals after the filtering process, unless it comes from a trusted source. For those individuals who prefer to have minerals in their water, I recommend buying a spring water that is known to be relatively fluoride-free, such as Chippewa spring water. "
9/11/2007: Bev from Elroy, Wisconsin writes: "After reading the info on fluoride on Earth Clinic I realised that the onset of my severe hypothyroid symptoms of extreme fatigue, weight gain, hair loss etc. was caused by taking repeated doses of Flucanazole to prevent yeast during repeated antibiotics for acute asthma [healed after 90 days on Zithromax]. My TSH [thyroid stimulating hormone] is less than .01 which shows hyperthyroidism so I have had a hard time finding a doctor willing to treat me. Now I know it is because the fluoride inhibits the pituitary gland from producing TSH. I live in a fluoridated community so my exposure has been long term. For several years I have had reverse osmosis water but it is very disappointing to find there is no acceptable whole house removal system. It was recommended to me to take cool showers as skin absorption is greater than drinking. I am hoping to convince our city council to drop the fluoride. I was happy to hear that borax can be used for detox. Yesterday I mixed 1/8 tsp of borax and sea salt in one L of water. During the night I awoke with a headache. By morning it was so bad that I vomited the aspirin, snack and enzymes I took to combat it. I couldn't keep anything other than sips down without dry heaves until early evening.I am thinking that is a detox reaction. I am going to hold off another day and dilute it further. I currently take Armour Thyroid and about $400 of supplements, mainly enzymes to prevent reflux, keep spinal alignment, joint stiffness, fatigue, sinus infections, constipation, hair loss and all those other nasty hypothyroid effects. I was also taking the apple cider vinegar and baking soda [about 8 days now] at the same time so may be that was too much at once with the borax. I will keep you posted on my progress. Thank you for this wonderful website."
Borax Cures
Heavy Metal Detoxification
Chronic Fluoride Poisoning Article by Jason Uttley
Fluoride Q&A by Jason Uttley
9/8/2007: Pamela from City Withheld, Washington writes: "I have suffered with Fibromyalgia/Rosacea and TMJ for over 10 years... My first symptoms appeared shortly after I began taking Paxil. After about 8 months when I found the Paxil side effects intolerable, my doctor switched me to Prozac. Well...within 2 years, I had gained 75 pound, couldn't get my temperature to a normal 98.6 (it wouldn't budge above 96.6), broke out with a fierce case of Rosacea (skin blistering & pealing in layers off my cheeks), was chronically fatigued and suffered from TMJ symptoms.
After reading the FLUORIDE information on EarthClinc and researching the chemical formulas of the many antidepressants that I had taken over the last 10 years, I had an epiphany...My problem was FLUORIDE!!! Incidentally, the symptoms of FLUORIDE TOXICITY are the same as Fibromyalgia so it wasn't surprising to learn that FLUORIDE is the primary ingredient in MANY widely prescribed antidepressants, including PAXIL and PROZAC!!!
Without delay, I began adding 1/8 tsp of BORAX and 1/8 tsp of NATURAL (UN-bleached) SEA SALT to a liter of
DE-CLORINATED water. This regimine just happens to both neutralize the FLUORIDE and KILL the nasty mites that cause Rosacea.
I began drinking 1 liter per day for 5 days. On the 2 off days, I simply drank purified, bottled spring water.
The results were nothing short of MIRACULOUS, within two weeks my face cleared, the redness faded and best of all, my temperature normalized TO 98.6 and my energy level began to steadily increased. (Do expect the break out to get worse before it gets better as the mites die off.)
In just one month, without dieting or changing my daily routine (other than adding BORAX & SEA SALT to my drinking water), I dropped 4 pounds and I continue to drop weight at about a pound a week. I attribute this to my increased body temperature and elevated metabolism.
ALSO...when I eliminated the FLUORIDE in my toothpaste, my gums stopped swelling and bleeding and all PREVIOUS phantom tooth/jaw pain simply disappeared.
Thank you, EarthClinc and Ted...The information you shared has truely been a blessing in my life...I wholeheartedly encourage anyone that is suffering with FIBROMYALGIA, CHRONIC FATIGUE, TMJ or ROSACEA to try this simple remedy as I have had only POSITIVE results and absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS!!!
Incidently, this BORAX & SEA SALT water is extremely ALKALINE with a pH between 8 - 9 pH."
8/28/2007: Dorothee Krien from Cork City, Ireland writes: "I moved to Ireland where the public water supply is fluoridated. A single cup of fluoridated water gives me an extreme headache - I suffer from multiple chemcial sensitivity. I try to avoid drinking fluoridated water as much as possible, but soemtimes it is simply impolite to refuse an offered cup of tea or coffee. By chance I found that fresh aloe vera helps me to get rid of the headache. I notice the prematurely aged skin of most Irish women, most of whom have the genetic make-up for beautiful skin. A female friend with a very beautiful skin - she is in her fifties - told me that she has been taking aloe vera juice for the past fifteen years."
7/5/2007: James ( from Hamilton, Canada writes: "I spent over a year working as a chemical compounder for a pharmaceutical company. They specialized in fluoride based products for the dental care industry, (eg. pastes, polishes, rinses and gels). On a daily basis for over a year, I was exposed to sodium fluoride dust and residue, stannous fluoride dust and residue and hydrofluoric acid fumes. I have since developed a debilitating condition that has not been properly diagnosed by my doctor. I have had scans, blood work, x-rays and an MRI. Still no diagnosis. Are there other people out there like me that have been exposed to large amounts of fluoride on the job and are paying for it with their lives?"
6/4/2007: Renee from El Dorado, Kansas writes: "Giving up tooth-paste was the best thing I could have done for my teeth and gums. Amazing how quickly I went from wanting to have all my teeth pulled to never giving them a second thought... just giving up fluoride.
I am sure that my life-long knee pain is fluoride related as the doctors find nothing abnormal in xrasys. Yet, there is no denying the pain, weakness, and swelling. Crippling at times. After giving up most fluoride for two months the bones still hurt though. I can only hope this is reversable."
2/9/2007: Sara (sujoy36[at] from Columbus, OH writes, "I just read about fluoride poisoning. I now believe that after all these years of wondering what is wrong with me, I now know. I have almost all the symptoms. I have been going crazy not knowing. Can anyone tell me a medical facility or doctor, or health care professional in the Tennessee or Ohio area where I can get help? Or anywhere, for that matter. I am willing to go almost anywhere to get rid of this problem. I read the chronic fatigue syndrome page, but I feel I need the support of a health care professional who is sympathetic and knowledgeable about this problem, who will listen and help me. Thank you."
8/27/2007: Ted writes to Earth Clinic, "As per your request for research references regarding the antidote of fluoride poisoning, there is both the use of borax to remove fluoride and also the use of tamarind used to increase fluoride excretion as an antidote to fluoride poisoning. Most of the boron antidote was taken from research of Elsair, as follows:
"Boron effectively counteracts symptoms of fluoride intoxication in humans (Zhou et al. 1987) and in experimentally poisoned rabbits (Elsair et al. 1980a, 1980b, 1981). Men suffering from skeletal fluorosis experienced 50 to 80% improvement after drinking solutions containing 300 to 1,100 mg of borax/L daily, 3 weeks a month for 3 months (Zhou et al. 1987). Boron enhances sequestration of fluoride from bone and excretion through kidneys and possibly the intestinal tract (Elair et al. 1980a, 1981)"
Many of these research are not well known in U.S., but it's there if you dig hard enough. The details of research description regarding the experiment is no longer found in webpages however, I still have the references material based on that reading here.
P.S. Boron is found in borax. Sometimes I use the word boron to emphasize that there is boron in borax. Borax is a compound form of boron, with oxygen and sodium attached.
Journal of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. 74, Issue 2, 235-238, 1942 Copyright © 1942 by American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
1 From the Department of Entomology, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The fluoborates when fed in powdered form were found to be non-toxic to both rats and insects. In solution enough fluorine is liberated to produce toxic effects.
Both aluminum sulphate and hydrated lime are capable of saving animals from a lethal dose of sodium fluoride when mixed with the latter. Boric acid also has some value as an antidote through the formation of a fluoborate. The aluminum sulphate forms cryolite which was found to be much less toxic. When aluminum sulphate is mixed with the sodium fluoride and used as a roach powder, a lower kill is obtained than with sodium fluoride alone.
January 2002, Volume 56, Number 1, Pages 82-85 Table of contents Previous Article Next [PDF]
Original Communication Effect of tamarind ingestion on fluoride excretion in humans
A L Khandare, G S Rao and N Lakshmaiah
National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad, India
Correspondence to: A L Khandare, National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Jamai Osmania PO, Hyderabad 500 007, AP, India. E-mail:
Research on Tamarind and Fluoride Removal:
Objective: To evaluate the effect of tamarind (Tamarindus indicus) ingestion on excretion of fluoride in school children.
Design: Randomized, diet-control study.
Subject: Twenty healthy boys were included and 18 of them completed the study.
Interventions: Each subject consumed 10 g tamarind daily with lunch for 18 days at the social welfare boys' hostel. The nutrient composition of the daily diet was constant throughout the experimental period.
Results: Tamarind intake led to significant increase (P<0.001) in the excretion of fluoride in 24 h urine (4.8±0.22 mg/day) as compared to excretion on control diet (3.5±0.22 mg/day). However, excretion of magnesium and zinc decreased significantly (7.11±1.48 mg of Mg and 252.88±12.84 µg of Zn per day on tamarind diet as compared to 23.39±3.68 mg of Mg and 331.78±35.31 µg Zn per day on control diet). Excretion of calcium and phosphorous were not significantly different while creatinine excretion decreased with tamarind intake (225.66±81 mg creatinine/day with tamarind and 294.5±78.76 mg creatinine/day without tamarind).
Conclusion: Tamarind intake is likely to help in delaying progression of fluorosis by enhancing urinary excretion of fluoride.
Sponsorship: National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India (ICMR).
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2002) 56, 82-85. DOI: 10.1038/sj/ejcn/1601287
Please see references material attached, especially:
1: Z Gesamte Hyg. 1977 Jan;23(1):14-20. Links [Results of animal experimental studies on rabbits with sodium fluoride and the effect of antidotes] [Article in German]
Baer HP, Bech R, Franke J, Grunewald A, Kochmann W, Melson F, Runge H, Wiedner W.
PMID: 842048 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Here is the research material on the fluoride antidote using boron:
Fluoride 1981; 14(1):21-29
Boron as antidote to fluoride: effect on bones and claws in subacute intoxication of rabbits
Elsair J, Merad R, Denine R, Azzouz M, Khelfat K, Hamrour M, Alamir B, Benali S, Reggabi M
Laboratories of Physiology, Toxicology and Galenic Pharmacy, Medical Institute, Algiers, Algeria
Summary: Rabbits were "subacutely" intoxicated by administration of 30 mg/kg/day of fluoride for 3 months followed by 15 mg/kg/day for a subsequent 3 months (F). Boron was given alone (B) as preventive and simultaneously with fluoride prophylactically (F + Bp), as well as therapeutically namely midway during the experimental period (F + Bpc) while fluoride was being administered and after it was discontinued (Bc compared with fluoirde interuption F*), at a constant F/B ratio. All groups were compared to normal controls.
Boron administered during fluoride intoxication or after its interruption, reduces fluoremia and increases urinary fluoride excretion. Skeletal fluoride levels are directly relatd to those of claws. They bear no relationship to fluoride in hair. The high fluoride content in bone in lot F decreases with addition of boron. It is still high in lot F* but returns to normal in loc Bc. Calcium content of bones remains normal in all lots. Posterior pad radiography shows a cortical thickness in lot F which is less pronounced in lots F + Bpc and F*, and returns to normal in lot Bc."
10/26/2007: Lois from Chicago, USA writes: "I don't know that Tamarind is so good for fluroide poisoning. Take a look at this website. It says that Tamarind has a very high fluoride count. That's why when people eat it, lots of fluoride comes out in the urine."
Ted replies, "Actually boron has a high binding to fluoride too, much like tamarind which binds strongly to fluoride. Tamarind gel and tamarind while it binds strongly to fluoride don't seem to cause deposition of fluoride and seems to further remove additional fluoride in the body.
There is also a dog study that showed increase fluoride excretion despite the high fluoride of the tamarind, to cause fluoride deposited in the bones to be removed and helped avoid fluorosis. Of course, I am a bit of a purist and prefer the borax remedy without the fluoride binding, and allow the boron itself to bind the fluoride when it is taken for the fluoride removal process. Some people may lean with more natural products such as taking tamarind might be ideal in case of a food poisoning or fluorosis, provided of course tamarind are easy to find.
9/25/2007: Carol writes, "I know DMPS leaches out heavy metals but does it leach out fluoride? Carol"
Ted replies, "No, DPMS does not remove the fluoride out of the body. Only alkalization using baking soda with citric acid and especially the borax remedy (boron) will help chelate or remove the fluoride out."
Carol writes again: "Thank you for this particular answer. I had some doubt, which defused my case against fluoride. You have enabled strength and conviction, which I needed most. Another question if I may... According to the Toxicological Profile for Fluorides, Hydrogen Fluoride and Fluorine by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, fluoride is mostly excreted in the urine and the remaining fluoride is registered in the bone ( Will substantial fluoride exposure be indicated in the hair sample test? "
Ted replies, "Not all fluorides are excreted that easily. For example, a contaminant high in aluminum may cause the fluoride to penetrate the blood brain barrier as an aluminum-fluoride attachment occurs. This happened the most during the 1960s-2000s when fluoride toothpaste in aluminum tubes were used. It can also occur if the food contaminant is high in alumimum too, but I suspect other heavy metals may encourage to prevent fluoride from full excretion, one obvious example is high calcium in the body which can attach itself to the body's tissues, such as pineal gland, where calcium fluoride (with other metals) accumulate throughout life so much that scientist use this accumulation to measure this as a biomarker to aging.
Hence long term exposure at least a year or more to flouride contamination, will result in fluoride accumulation which may show itself in hair mineral analysis. Too much fluoride that can result in a common bone conditions of fluorosis obviously could kill you so that could indicate that it is not excreted as much as most people wish. If you have white spots on the front teeth, this indicates already some fluoride exposure, as other areas of the teeth already become mottled while more severe leads to brown teeth and the teeth never gets white when drinking water high in fluoride. This is again from excess fluoride use, and in most cases this becomes more common then in the past, hence fluoride such as this, may show up in other analysis. Even a physical examination is even easy to see.
Carol writes, "Hi Ted, Lets say I may be able to find an independent lab to do a fluoride test from a hair sample and lets say that this lab normally does non-biological screenings and would not be able to indicate what levels are safe or toxic. Would you happen to know the levels within a safe rage and outside of a safe rang? Thank you Carol "
Ted replies, "An independent lab will have a normal range levels, usually through hair mineral analysis which might be helpful there. Although even with the hair mineral analysis we tend to accumulate calcium and fluoride in our tissues, and sometimes this is not shown, but can be felt from their effects, such as frequent muscle pains (calcification of tissues) or sleeplessness (fluoride and calcium accumulates in the pineal gland)."
8/20/2007: Ann writes, "Dear Ted, I am a confirmed morning tea-drinker. It warms me, wakes me, and gets my systems going. Besides all the anti-oxidant goodies in my Formosa Oolong, I just like the ritual of my tea. Yesterday I stumbled across an article on which told of all the dangers of fluoride in tea! 10/green_tea_fluoride_thyroid.htm I take Synthroid and Cytomel for mild hypothyroid issues and avoid fluoride toothpaste, filter my water, etc. to avoid flouride. I wonder if I am causing problems for my body by tea-drinking. Then I think of the 100's of millions of tea-drinkers over the past 1,000 or so years... Were they all suffering from the over-dosing of fluoride...? Don't think so. What is your advice on this? A question regarding ACV with baking soda: I have avoided baking soda because, with excess sodium, I tend to retain water. Does the ACV completely counter that bad effect of the soda? Thank you again for all the good help you are giving. You are a glory to your Creator, Ted, using your talents so wisely and generously. Ann"
Ted replies, "Dear Ann:
Fluoride in tea is well known problem in tea, that's why I have to take a small pinch of borax in a water or tea to chelate out the fluoride. Boron chelates fluoride.
As to the issue of whether fluoride may bring about hypothyroidism, where fluorides completes against iodine causing iodine to be somewhat borderline, I would imagine that to be only part of the problem. There is a bigger picture of bromine bleached white flour and white bread, where bromine is well known to displace iodine and increase iodine excretion, setting off an iodine deficiency. Dietary bromine can be quite high from consumption of white bread, flour, pastries etc.
The other issue is the aluminum problem which is also high in teas. Therefore eating apples (that has malic acid) or taking apple cider vinegar with baking soda remedy will help the body chelate out the aluminum.
There are benefits of the tea and there are problems of the tea that needs to be dealt with since tea has tannins which are antibacteria, reduces blood pressure to some extent, tightness of the chest, increase fat excretion, and might reduce some excess iron, which accumulates in the heart, to cause heart problem as free metal iron tends to create free radicals (Fenton Reaction) and degenerates the heart tissues. However, my being an old fashioned former chemist, I just take a B.P. or U.S.P. grade tannic acid at 1/8 teaspoon in one liter of drinking water taken not too often.
The dose is actually below the minimum inhibtory concentration against microorganism and thus won't harm healthy cells as well. I take it to reduce the excess free metal iron buildup as well as mercury, cadmium and mercury. Men do have difficulty in reducing iron, which results in heart problem, while woman who can menstruate, do not accumulate free radical iron as easily. However vitamin C can also help the body utilize the iron more effectively but not necessarily as effective in reducing the iron buildup.
Most filter devices do not effectively reduce fluoride and this is why I have to add a tiny pinch borax and eat apple often to reduce fluoride and aluminum problems.
In case if you want to know how much contaminated of free metals there are, you can try this experiment: put one teaspoon of tannic acid in any water you want to test. Leave it overnight.
There is a good chance your water will become black while a reverse osmosis water will get you a gray color. There is a place in United States where the river waters are black, but drinking is safe due to tannic acid reacting with free metals, causing a black color.
In my opinion, fluoride problems from the tea is not a major problem to thyroidism. It is the problem of the bromine process used in processing white bread and white flour, which is actually a recent phenomenon that was changed about 40 something years ago. The original process was a bromine process. So people who consumes too much white bread and uses white flour may end up getting their body heavily excreted of iodine as bromine displaces iodine. I take green tea myself and aware of some of the pitfalls. However, I take the necessary precautions, while avoiding white bread and white flour use, as well as taking some kelp, seaweed or even using iodine as a mouthwash to prevent the problems of iodine deficiency.
9/5/2007: Ted later adds: "Most people who cannot find borax generally usually used the 20 mule team. Soda generally won't cause water retention. It is the oily foods and late night dinner.
To loose weight avoid eating dinner. We seem to eat excess calories. This is the part that seems to cause weight gain and weigh loss most readily. Higher portions about 80% protein mostly from good fish source helps a lot. It is the protein and amino acids supplements that burns the fat. Seaweed or kelp is considered a food. Tannic acid are usually sold through a chemist.
1/4 teaspoon of sea salt or more added in 1 liter of water may reduce the IBS, however in some cases I have seen taking magnesium supplements can kill certain bacteria that leads to IBS. Sometimes eating fruits can lead to IBS because of the sugar. "
2/21/2007: Sabrina (jhays11[at] from Summerfield, FL writes, "hello,i have a very important question. i have hypothyroidism and i want to remove the flouride out of my bath water because i have city water. can i add borax to my bath water or boric acid? im not sure which one i could use and if it would remove the flouride. also is there anything i can do to remove the chlorine from the bath tub water? and as far as using my shower, will a shower filter remove most of the chlorine? please help in this situation. thank you so much!"
Ted replies, "Dear Sabrina: The research study that I remembered conducted using borax for fluoride removal or at least chelate the fluoride out or reduce the fluoride toxicity.
To remove chorine is very simple for the bathtub. Go to a aquarium shops, they will have a bottle of dechlorinator. The dechlorinator that I used is sodium thiosulfate 10% in water.
Most dechlorinator should at least mention the active ingredients. This will prevent the manufacturers from putting harmful substances in their product. Of course the manufacturers do not like this as it lowers their profit margin if the buyer knows the exact ingredients possibly giving the consumer a chance to make their own solution.
On the other hand you can get a better prices from a swimming pool supplier. It is usually ideal for you to get most of the supplies you need and they might also have sodium thiosulfate to remove chlorine from the water at a much better price.
Should you be able to contact the swimming pool suppliers ask them for chlorine and fluorine removal, as well as other supplies that can remove other unwanted polluted city waters from your shower and water filter."
1/25/2007: Linda from Pretoria, South Africa writes, "Question for Ted: Dear Ted, thank you so much for all the information and help that you are providing. I have had wonderful results with a lot of your remedies and find your explanations very informative. I would like to know how to remove a buildup of fluoride from my body. My father used to work in a laboratory when I was young and he made me and my sister swallow liquid fluoride every night to strengthen our teeth. Fluoride is also added to our water in South Africa. Will it help me to add a pinch of borax to my drinking water? As far as I could understand, this will only remove the fluoride in the water, but will it also remove a possible buildup in my body? My dentist also noticed that I have fluoride stains on my teeth, so I can only guess that there must be some buildup in my body. Also the pharmacist told me that borax is poisonous. Did he maybe confuse it with borasic acid? I highly appreciate all the wonderful work that you do."
Our Bangkok contributor Ted replies, "Dear Linda: The toxicity for fluoride is far deadlier than borax. For example a simple Sodium Fluoride, LD50 (which means 50% probability of death at a certain dose) oral mice is about 44 mg/kg., while for borax oral mouse, this is about 3000 mg/kg. Arsenic for example, is about 14 mg/kg (Oral rat). So you can see that the toxicity of both arsenic and fluoride are in fact quite close. It is this information why both arsenic and fluoride are used to kill rats and pesticides.
Now if we compare borax with a simple table salt, the LD50 is about 3000 mg/kg. The toxicity of borax is quite close to the toxicity of salt. Boric acid is considered more toxic primarily because it is acid and that the boron content is high. Certain misinformation is possible by the authorities, but if you understand that acidity of the substances and higher elemental content being higher as the cause of toxicity, this information is difficult to hide. The only known case of poisoning from boron is only boric acid in only babies from accidental ingestion. A small pinch of boron can therefore be added to drinking water to remove fluoride. I sometimes used borax mouthwash, to help reduce fungus and bacteria in the mouth also. A small quantity of borax chelates of fluoride and can be soothing and helps normalize sleeping patterns. I once had sleeping problems and with small borax use, fluorides were removed that was accumulated in the pineal gland, allowing the pineal gland to function normally creating melatonin, which controls sleep. However I later found that some colorless iodine painting and some boron doses are synergistic. This is just an observation, but there is some evidence that iodine helps restore many glandular functions and not just the thyroid. Who knows, it may also help restore pineal glands and based on my own observation seems to indicate that, on getting a good sleep at least. Ted"