Kamut is a wheat product and wheat can big a big allergen for people with leaky gut, not to mention that wheat contains gluten (if you have celiac disease--the gluten wreaks havoc on the lining of the gut). Another thing about bread - you think it might be OK because it doesn't contain yeast, yet it can be growing mold even before it hits the grocery store shelves. Candida sufferers need to not only diligently avoid yeast but avoid consuming mold as well (its tough!). Personally--I think mold is my biggest sensitivity/allergy. This came to be because of having Candida overgrowth. Even just a couple sips of wine, drops of vinegar or a diet soda containing
citric acid (a mold derivative) and I start getting scratchy....
In one of my previous posts I posted a link for low mold diet. Here it is again. About the best thing you can do for yourself when you are experiencing an allergy attack (hives) is to alkalinize your body’s ph (buffered vitamin c in water; Alka Seltzer Gold in water; Tri-salts in water; Baking soda, etc.). Something I found that helps take the itch out of hives is to take a paper towel, wet it and place in the micro for about 30 seconds or so (you want it to be very hot--almost too hot to handle) and then apply to the hive. For some reason this works to take the itch out for several hours or more--I think it may draw out the histamine. I learned this from researching how to stop mosquito bites from itching. It works quite well. When the hive starts itching again in several hours (seems like about 12 hours it starts to itch again) do the paper towel trick again.