For me i know the cure for Ex Cheilitis but i haven't stopped the cause for me, which is Stomach acid/gas. I have a stomach gas problem. Even though i got Ex Cheilitis from Lip picking i 've come to the conclusion i have a stomach acid/heat type problem fueling my lips to break apart.
I've made some observations.
I'm a mouth breather and i have a white tongue(not due to candida) this is acid reflux/ gas from the stomach. I am constantly belching, have an upset stomach, nausea and fatigue. Those symptoms only occur when i play sports. Now when i sleep i breath through my mouth, always have. I've noticed no matter how much i brush my teeth they are yellowish and i have a white tongue. This is no doubt due to the gas from my stomach. Just this day i played sports. Didn't move my lips but that whitish border appeared. I was breathing through my mouth excessively and that was the outcome. I had no idea that these two problems of mine were connected. I drank a little apple cider vinegar before with water thinking it would help but never.
It works two ways...I'm confident about the cure. I've used Evening primrose Oil in high doses and zinc and my lips reacted.. the skin was tight. As i slept i breath through my mouth and i cancel out the healing process. keratinization is when the skin cell nuclei dies, my stomach gas is killing it.
I need to make the right decision. I don't want to go and buy another product without it being right.
What can "ease" my stomach?
Its difficult.. diet takes dedication but it seems to cost more.
My digestion is fine but my stomach is the issue. I need some help on this.
I assure you Evening Primrose Oil and Zinc is a winning combination. But you have to find your own cause otherwise your wasting your time "curing" your lips.
Can any of you help me on my stomach problem? i don't know why i have it...