I have not been diagnosed with TMAU, but 100% sure I have it. I have been going through the same thing at work for at least 14 years. The way I'm ridiculed, is just sad. People that treat us this way, I wonder if they know they are hurting and quite directly stabbing us repeatedy in the heart. This is how I feel because now someone that used to be a happy person (me )becomes sooo depressed :(
Don't these people understand that it has nothing to do with showers. No matter how many times I take a shower, the effect of the shower lasts for about 1 hr if I'm lucky.
It gets worse when I'm nervous or upset, before, during and after my period. Can you believe even my gynecologist gave me something for yeast infection and when I tried to explain about the Tmau, he dismisses it saying "a shower will take care of that"
My primary health care physician, will not admit that he smells anything!
The things that have helped me are 1) Nullo (effects starts working for me after 2 weeks) 2) bodymint . Also lots of water. You are not alone.